Transport from Lake St. Clair to Cradle either 15/16th April

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Transport from Lake St. Clair to Cradle either 15/16th April

Postby Explorer_Sam » Mon 13 Mar, 2017 8:50 pm

G'day everyone,

You may have seen my post looking for transport on the 15th April. We have since decided that the 16th is even better, however the 15th would work for us too.

Finally doing the Overland Track with the old man next month and we're looking for a ride from Lake St. Clair to Cradle Mountain on the 15/16th April (Easter Sunday). If you or anyone you know is planning to walk the OLT around this time, we could organise a car shuffle. Note that we could only provide the car shuffle for up to 2 people (small car).

Otherwise, if anyone is heading up in the Cradle direction on the 15/16th and would be kind enough to help us out, that would be most appreciated. We will pay the full petrol cost.

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