For years I've wondered whether the track along Wirraba Range goes? I've seen where it commences on Putty Ck where there are a couple of old bridges and also where it crosses Wollemi Ck. I have also seen a track branching off the Army Rd to the east near Gospers Mt. My question is do these two tracks join to form one continuous trail along the Wirraba and Wollemi Ranges? If they did it would certainly make navigation simpler on trips across Wollemi NP from Putty to Dunns Swamp. A continuous track is shown on both Gospers Mt and Wirraba 1:25,000 sheets first edition but no track is shown extending much beyond Wollemi Ck on the current edition. If there is a track the aerial photos on Google Earth and Six Maps would suggest that it is heavily overgrown but perhaps it can still be followed on the ground? I appreciate I should just go out there and find out myself but I've wondered for years and have never quite found the time. Does anyone here know?