I never really understood the decision to ban horses from many areas of the Blue mountains.. Alpine grassland and wetlands/rainforest I can understand the prohibition... I can also understand culling herds of wild horses.
Alot of the blue mountains is thick vegetation, eucalyptus and scrub on a dry soil and sandstone base. Pushing through all that scrub on less popular tracks, Id be glad if a few well managed horse treks came through and cleared the track so I could walk without getting ripped by vegetation. I hate scrub bashing and I bet more people would walk if there were more longish tracks free of scrub. A good example is the US, less thick vegetation = more walkers.
There are any number of tracks that are disappearing due to lack of regular use. don't see why horses trek tours (limited! under a management plan) couldn't be used to keep those tracks open.
An even better idea, close the now redundant fire trails to vehicles, let nature narrow them.. and then have horse treks keep the path open for walkers and other users.
Not advocating a free for all... and Im probably drifting significantly off topic