Camelbak UV Clear

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[Stove | Field test]Jetboil, flash $150

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Camelbak UV Clear

Postby Neo » Thu 07 Sep, 2017 6:56 pm

I have a Camelbak UV bottle. Finally used it recently on river water. Was great:

UV pros (mine & Steripen):
Takes about 60 seconds, not up to 2hrs
Also kills viruses*
Quick and easy
Camelbak comes with a 750ml bottle & spare plain cap
Use as drink bottle & hot water bottle
Is rechargeable
60 cycles of 750ml
Does not upset natural gut flora!

Can get broken
Does not treat bottle threads
Not as light as chemicals

(always carry a secondary purification method in your First Aid kit)

Compare the weight and treatment features with pump filter and drip systems. Glad I kept this one now. Only paid $125, think it was forgotten on the shelf :)
I also have their additional pre-filter cap, unused to date.

* UV light disrupts the DNA of the bugs so they can't multiply in your stomach, they may however reconfigure if left in the light for a few days.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Camelbak UV Clear

Postby carpus » Wed 07 Nov, 2018 10:11 pm

It's a great bottle. Places like the Larapinta where all the tanks have a boil water alert, it's easy to treat all the water you need in less time than one boil. No taste whatsoever, so it's great for Tassie water where you're 99% confident you can drink it, but don't want gastro on day 2 of a multiday walk.

The extra weight is minimal as it saves taking fuel to boil water, and you can have a nice cold drink in 60 seconds. And I carry at least 1 hard bottle as I use a 2litre bladder, and always worry if the bladder pops...

I gave a mate one for a 6-week stint in South Sudan - no gastro!

My only quibble for a device used outdoors is a sealed USB charged battery - I'd prefer AAs so I can have GPS/headtorch etc all the same.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Camelbak UV Clear

Postby Neo » Fri 09 Nov, 2018 8:05 pm

Good points carpus.

I don't actually use mine a lot but will hang on to it. Good number of cycles per charge too.

Have a mini 15ml bottle with Aquapur drops i carry mostly (got over my suspicions of the chemicals in the belly for occasional use, prob no worse than town water!).

I have a 500ml Nalgene, wonder if the CB UV thread is the same? Haven't tried yet but the head unit did work with the soft bottles of my Osprey hip pack. Another item I don't use but wil prob hang on to, hmmm
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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