Falls to Hotham winter crossing

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Falls to Hotham winter crossing

Postby dinna89 » Fri 06 Oct, 2017 5:45 pm

Snowshoed across from Hotham to Falls a few weeks ago, 22-23 September, taking the route as described inthis thread.
Hike out of dibbins was horrible, took me 3 hrs to walk the 2ks up onto the high plains, snow was very soft in the afternoon sun, knackering work.
Tawonga hut has a bad chimney on the fireplace, the hut fills with smoke.
Snow cover was very good, full coverage except for about half a k either side of Dibbins hut.
Parked in Bright, got the bus up to hotham on Friday morning, then hitched back to bright from falls, didn't take long to get a lift.

A few pics i took (links to google maps)
Near DIbbins
on the high plains (unfortunately the image stitched feathertop horribly)
tawonga huts
pretty valley pondage

This was probably the best photo location, up on Mt Loch near Hotham, I took a streetview style photo up here but it corrupted. Note that the snow cover was better than this image makes it seem, i think the wind destroys the snow cover on the summit.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Falls to Hotham winter crossing

Postby gmac » Fri 06 Oct, 2017 8:18 pm

Great pics and looks like the weather was on your side. I have only been able to do those sites during the non winter months.
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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