A great trip, report and photographic expose of the POW Range sbs and Co. Thanks! In comparison with the POW traverse. the W. Arthurs traverse is a stroll in the park. A few years ago I read an report on a proposed POW traverse that was abandoned when a lack of water due to drought forced an appalling retreat. But even thirst aside, it was the scrub bashing on the approach to the top of the range that made me decide then that I no longer had the stuffing in me to do the trip though I think that I once may have and only then in the right party! But today, it's possibly a hypothetical yes if I had a hypothetical porter to carry my pack and an extra hypothetical porter to carry his pack and so on....the cost soon mounts up!

But from your photos, the top of the POW Range once you get onto it, while it may still be slow progress, looks quite reasonable in terms of the scrub. Now for my idea which, though it may seem like HERESY in Tassie, is a practice common in NZ.
Would it be acceptable to the authorities and to one's bushwalking peers, to be in a group of two or three and
to be flown in by helicopter to the top of the range at the start of the walk and then complete the traverse and walk out? Yes it wouldn't be cheap but neither were all those porters for the walk in to the crest of the range!

But is it acceptable? I think we may be taking ethics here.