Pinestone Valley Huts?

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Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Son of a Beach » Thu 30 Nov, 2017 2:20 pm

How long has this cluster of huts been in Pinestone Valley?

Are these new? Or was I just blind last time I was near there?

Is it another Cradle Mtn Huts hut?

I've not been on the OLT for a while, and I used to camp across the creek from there sometimes.

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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby norts » Thu 30 Nov, 2017 3:25 pm

I thought it was a track workers camp. Been there for quite awhile.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby north-north-west » Thu 30 Nov, 2017 4:40 pm

Trackworkers camp. Was there winter last year, though it seems to have grown from the installation I saw.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 01 Dec, 2017 7:33 am

OK, thanks. I haven't been on that part of the OLT for at least 5 years and I didn't see anything there last time I went past... although there was a lot of deep snow then, so it's possible I could have gone past without seeing those side tracks.

It looks like quite a substantial setup, but I can see that it would be a good spot for track workers, being near the middle of the track, as well as close to some of the side trips, including the most-popular Ossa.

I was all set to have a good whinge about how private infrastructure was ruining one of my preferred camping locations. But instead, I'll say "thanks" to those who are maintaining the tracks. :-)
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Nuts » Fri 01 Dec, 2017 1:38 pm

The work must soon be complete up to the pass and on the Ossa climb. Hopefully they are taken away.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Warin » Fri 01 Dec, 2017 3:07 pm

:? The huts might be "usefull for on going maintenance".
Would they would build something like that with a view to taking them down again.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby DaveNoble » Fri 01 Dec, 2017 4:26 pm

Warin wrote::? The huts might be "usefull for on going maintenance".
Would they would build something like that with a view to taking them down again.

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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby north-north-west » Sat 02 Dec, 2017 8:37 am

Warin wrote::? The huts might be "usefull for on going maintenance".
Would they would build something like that with a view to taking them down again.

From what I saw, they were lightweight demountables, not permanent construction.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Warin » Sat 02 Dec, 2017 9:28 am

"light weight demountable" not obvious from above image. But hopeful for removal.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby north-north-west » Sat 02 Dec, 2017 11:59 am

Closest one definitely is. Others, maybe, maybe not.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby dee_legg » Sun 03 Dec, 2017 1:48 pm

They are all fly in fly out. The same set up has appeared near Fury Gorge, near Lake Will and at Frog Flats for different periods over the left few years. I was lucky enough to sample a freshly baked cookie one of the track workers had made in their fly away oven once! Seems like a good little set up they have and it would want to be considering some of the weather I've seen them work in. They deserve a comfy home to rest their heads.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby waterfallman » Wed 14 Feb, 2018 12:04 pm

Yeah. Hard to tell re permanence. I noticed them just recently on a feb 4 trip on the olt, and wondered the same thing. I just assumed they were another private hut. I think the lightweight construction is the only way to do it, re choppering them in and out etc, but that said, these things that Parks have spent money on probably wont be junked or shifted lightly. Because of their central-ish location, I expect that they will remain there indefinitely, as they perform a fairly critical purpose. At least Parks have hidden them very well. They didn't detract from my experience at all. And well done Parks, for the ongoing track work on the olt! Much appreciated by the "oldies" when the usual dry tumbling creek bed track gets to the swearing point! lol.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Nuts » Wed 14 Feb, 2018 6:10 pm

I don't think any attempt was made to hide these?

And they were never, and (given the walkers numbers have actually retracted) therefore never will be.. 'necessary'.
Track workers started requiring on site/hut accommodations there when park staff were swapped for contractors, not long ago.
It must not have been reward enough to camp in such outstanding places.

No attempt at minimising impact is evident in track placement, there were a few wombat pads on that side, yet a walking track and a bunch of degraded campsites on the other. I'm sure there may have been other influences there, other than minimising any further damage as a priority. Someone else may like to offer support for these other priorities?

And now, with the bulk of the work required as maintenance, they should have already been removed :roll:
Though I'm sure there will be some support from those staff who don't have a reference to know any better.

Three flies on a poo makes it popular, no less dismal.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Montaine » Thu 15 Feb, 2018 5:12 pm

Nuts wrote:I don't think any attempt was made to hide these?

And they were never, and (given the walkers numbers have actually retracted) therefore never will be.. 'necessary'.
Track workers started requiring on site/hut accommodations there when park staff were swapped for contractors, not long ago.
It must not have been reward enough to camp in such outstanding places.

No attempt at minimising impact is evident in track placement, there were a few wombat pads on that side, yet a walking track and a bunch of degraded campsites on the other. I'm sure there may have been other influences there, other than minimising any further damage as a priority. Someone else may like to offer support for these other priorities?

And now, with the bulk of the work required as maintenance, they should have already been removed :roll:
Though I'm sure there will be some support from those staff who don't have a reference to know any better.

Three flies on a poo makes it popular, no less dismal.

Mate, have you ever considered giving PWS a call? If you got up there you might run in to the track workers and ask them yourself what they're up to, instead of wasting time with pointless musings. Also, I'm unsure where you get your figures regarding the OLT usage to question the necessity of temporary camps. Would you prefer staff were choppered in daily?
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Nuts » Thu 15 Feb, 2018 5:36 pm

It's only a temporary camp if it's removed. I wouldn't begrudge the track crew a hard shelter, but no it's not necessary, less so for ongoing track maintenance. If you meet that particular track crew (who, perhaps not needless to say, have done a great job btw) the older chap knows pleanty about track-work from tents I suspect. He was around before the booking system, when numbers were getting out of control and the work away from huts was done from tents.

My concern is that this temporary camp, or even the site, becomes yet another fixture, for any number of newly imagined 'needs'.

There may be immediate plans to make use of the camp for further track work. Then I, at least, have a vote to hope it goes and the site is restored, including those wombat pads.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby TentPeg » Thu 15 Feb, 2018 8:00 pm

Fair call.
I think we should all go back to the good old days when we had open window air conditioning, brought our own coal to work for heating and did a full 50 hour week for bugger all salary.
Ah the good all days.
Seriously - you are going to argue that we provide workers with tent accommodation in tough conditions??!!
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Nuts » Fri 16 Feb, 2018 6:20 am

:lol: some of you guys are funny, is it in the reading or in the comprehension.

Ok, yes! As a matter of fact they can sleep under an open tarp, without a bivy, and work longer hours of equally physical labour and longer seasons for the pleasure. No... wait there, that's what the guides do.. the real ones, not those private hut dandies. In fact they are out there doing it right now! :)

I'm sure there's a track-work crew somewhere, as we read, sleeping 'rough' in a tent?
Listen, I think I can just hear them, spitting leeches, cursing their lives, it's not fair, those dandies have huts, why not us :( :?
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby TentPeg » Fri 16 Feb, 2018 2:07 pm

Seemingly off track (sic) again Nuts.

The people being housed in the PWS huts are PWS staff or contractors and not guides - there is a significant difference and the PWS has an obligation to provide an appropriate work place. That is the case for Rangers and track workers.

Guides are in a completely different grouping. They are employed as part of an "experience" either using private huts or tenting as applies to their group.

Sleeping 'rough' may have been a past practice for track workers but I would suggest it has a very limited life span.
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Re: Pinestone Valley Huts?

Postby Nuts » Fri 16 Feb, 2018 5:48 pm

Well, not exactly 'rough', but in many places they'll use a shelter/pod as a crib room, gas and somewhere to cook or sit. Not necessarily a much safer or more hygenic site.

Many jobs require living and working at or near a workplace. It's just as easy to expect that working within parks and WHA means working from tents, where necessary.. would you not admire and support these guys equally in heading a dedicated, passionate young parks track crew, a larger park service? moving through parks and leaving no trace.. as that is just 'how it's done, maybe even proud of the fact, setting an example in this unique 'workplace', for a park service? would that really be a retrograde move?.. or should they get showers, spa and sat TV, bwa? shrug

It's all part of the same track Tent Peg, i'll admit that each step must seem petty alone .. & a bit off track in simply identifying what this is/was..
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