AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

A forum for discussing the Australian Alps Walking Track. This is a 655 km long track from Walhalla (Vic) to Tharwa (ACT)

Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby bigkev » Tue 21 Nov, 2017 7:28 am

I'm using tablets to treat the water, but to be honest I go on gut feeling a fair bit - if I'm dubious about the quality I chuck a pill in in - so any tummy bugs are my own fault :oops:
I'm all good though, it's definitely not guadia.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby gbedford » Sat 25 Nov, 2017 8:09 am

concerning water I have been drinking the water in the Australian Alps, Tasmania and elsewhere for more than 40 years. I have only occasionally treated or boiled it. Never suffered from any gastrointestinal problems. Good judgement (gut feeling) is the key. Running water downstream of good bush or a spring. For instance I have drunk water all the way from Walhalla to Kosi in midsummer and we only treated the water from the tank at Barry Saddle. People have been sold a message that natural water is unsafe to drink. At Wilson's Prom I see all these people filtering or treating their water because of the Parks little signs. Those untreated water, don't drink signs are there only to protect the Vic Parks from litigation.
Nothing has changed with the water there in the 40 years I have been drinking it.

Mind you I am mindful that as the number people increases and the chance of human contamination increases and I make an error of judgement the chance of me catching an unwelcome bug could happen. But then that is a risk I am prepared to take.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Sun 26 Nov, 2017 3:47 am

And it happened to someone near Rumpf saddle recently. see viewtopic.php?f=64&t=26600&p=337101&hilit=giardia#p337101
It is very much a personal choice but it can have an affect on the rest of the group. There are a number of threads here which discuss these issues but in the end it comes down to what you choose to do for yourself should not determine what others should or should not do for themselves. Setting off on a 6 week journey takes a great deal of planning and effort before the first foot is planted and to be cut short because of something which was entirely preventable would be a bit of a bummer.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby GBW » Sun 26 Nov, 2017 6:59 am

How can you tell it's giardia from the water and not some other bug like Salmonella, E. coli or Staphylococcus caused by contaminated food or bad hygiene? Don't symptoms of giardia usually appear between 7 and 10 days after infection?
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Mon 27 Nov, 2017 5:55 am

GBW wrote:How can you tell it's giardia from the water and not some other bug like Salmonella, E. coli or Staphylococcus caused by contaminated food or bad hygiene? Don't symptoms of giardia usually appear between 7 and 10 days after infection?

3 to 25 days, usually 7 to 10 so finding the source on a walk could be difficult. Other Gastro bugs such as Salmonella and E Coli will show similar symptoms at the start but they usually subside sooner. I would agree that diagnosis in the field would be difficult but if all ate the same food then I would suggest that would not be the cause. Poor hygiene possible as well. E coli is also found in water. Most other gastro bugs incubate quicker so finding the source is easier. I would not suggest water is the cause every time but it is an easily preventable risk and given the 6 week journey in remote wilderness, treating water is one way of ensuring your trip is not cut short. I also feel it is not the right thing for anyone to tell others any water is safe to drink without treating. People have to work that out or take that risk for themselves. I have taken the risk many times myself however my partner, who has had severe giardia before, is more inclined to treat water. Perhaps my immune response is better and maybe I have an acquired immunity.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 01 Dec, 2017 2:04 pm

I got severe Giardia in Pakistan. It was so tough that it still would not budge when I got back to Ozstriya .I lost a lot of weight and felt ill for months . I had to be prodded and poked from both ends :shock: before the verdict was handed out by a specialist. I am now better equipped with a pump up water filter. When trekking in NW India I always have FLAGYLL tablets and NOROXCIN pills handy . In India you can get both of these agents combined in one pill over the counter from even remote small village chemist stores in the Middle Himalaya.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby bigkev » Sat 02 Dec, 2017 2:33 pm

Hi Guys. Gee I opened a can of worms mentioning that I got a bit crook in the guts for a couple of days. The thing that I was trying to highlight was the fact that there are a lot of horses running around on this section and quite frankly they are making a mess of the water ways - so be careful.

I also forgot to mention that there is a short cut that heads over the end of a spur around where Kangaroo Trk meets Big River Trk - it's marked as the AAWT but just stay on Big River Trk as the short cut is infested with Blackberries and regrowth.

The other issue that I forgot to mention was mentioned by some others - the section of the AAWT that parallels Mt Hope Road isn't marked and the pad is non existent, unless you want to scrub bash just for the sake of it then stay on Mt Hope Road.

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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Sun 07 Jan, 2018 5:24 am

The annoying half km of the Long Spur between Mulhauser spur track and the Long Spur 4wd track has been cleared recently so there are no bushes rubbing or closing over the track. On the lower section of the Long Spur near Big River Log road there are still a number of good springs flowing and the water tank at Mt. Wills hut is full.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 07 Jan, 2018 3:59 pm

I am going to Mulhauser spur and Mt. Wills soon :-)
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Sat 13 Jan, 2018 6:20 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I am going to Mulhauser spur and Mt. Wills soon :-)

Take a chainsaw or roll the dice. First tree down on Big River Log road was a big one and that was before we were one km in. The second not so. Mulhauser can be the same. Big River log road was only graded and cleared last week up to the logging coupe. No phone service so it will be a long walk out. But you may be lucky.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 16 Jan, 2018 8:17 pm

I went to Mt. Wills. The tank is flowing well. I slept well inside the hut on Sunday night( 14.1.18). I didn't make it to Mulhauser spur etc.I will have a chain saw by the time I get a chance to visit there next time.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 12 Feb, 2018 6:25 pm

Ubi. Steve is clearing the Long Spur walking route all the way down to the last point a 4 WD can approach it from Big River Saddle. He expects to have this task completed before the end of Feb.2018.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Tue 13 Feb, 2018 4:58 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Ubi. Steve is clearing the Long Spur walking route all the way down to the last point a 4 WD can approach it from Big River Saddle. He expects to have this task completed before the end of Feb.2018.

I heard DELWP were planning to put a flail mower attached to an excavator on the vehicle track some time soon. Perhaps someone should tell them not to bother before they go to all the trouble and expense of getting the machine out there. They may even run into each other if he is still going for a couple of weeks. The vehicle track is not a problem for walkers but the scrub will scratch up your car.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 13 Mar, 2018 6:46 pm

I just walked the Mulhauser Spur to Maddison Hut Ruins section and back over the March Long weekend. Sections of the Long Spur /AAWT are overgrown and require pushing through head high scrub where you cannot see your feet. Other sections have fallen timber and walkers have forged new paths around the said logs.
I am not convinced that carrying a heavy pack with XC skis strapped to the sides would be worthwhile at present. As good as the terrain at Camp Valley is for green to blue run level XC skiers the effort of getting there and slogging it through scrub that will be coated in snow and ice and wriggling around fallen logs with LONG skis bashing against them is a disincentive for a winter trip via this route.
It is very scenic and far less used than other routes to Mt. Bogong. It is overall less torturous than The Staircase and The Eskdale spurs are. The T for T torture spur is no laughs either.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Lophophaps » Wed 11 Apr, 2018 8:57 pm

Long Spur 4WD section is clear of fallen timber (Steve I believe) and the foot track has now been slashed back in nearly all places (probably PV). Much easier. There's a small creek just west of Big River Saddle, and another just west of the bottom of Long Spur 4WD. Both of these look like they would run most of the year, albeit slowly. It would not take much effort to make a small dam across the creek and have a pipe, thus avoiding the braided water that is present now.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sat 19 Jan, 2019 9:52 pm

There was a trickle of water near Derrick's hut on the AAWT in the gully near pole NO. 91 on Monday 14/1/19.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Sun 05 May, 2019 5:03 pm

Was working with PV yesterday and in particular the ranger from Omeo who organised some track clearing on the AAWT from Big River saddle to Gill creek over the ANZAC weekend. A massive effort. From all accounts the team from Bushwalking Vic did a fantastic job and should be congratulated. The ranger was most impressed. He is a great asset to the area also. Well done people.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby peregrinator » Sun 05 May, 2019 5:59 pm

Well done, indeed. This was where the track leaves the Omeo Highway, heading for Gill Creek, about six weeks ago:

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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 08 May, 2019 7:41 pm

I like the sound of that . The route from Mt Wills hut down to the Omeo Highway was reportedly rather overgrown . I was up on Long spur over the ANZAC day long weekend. The track from Mulhauser spur to CC hut is in reasonable order. There are some overgrown bushy bits and some logs down on the track but it could be much worse. I helped replace Snow Pole No. 1151 near the T spur/ Long Spur junction.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Xplora » Thu 09 May, 2019 5:07 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I like the sound of that . The route from Mt Wills hut down to the Omeo Highway was reportedly rather overgrown

This section had been cleared by an official volunteer workparty and PV a few years back but a big dump of snow last May undid much of their good work. Many trees down. It is good to see how collaboration and cooperation can achieve great results.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby LLSC » Tue 16 Jul, 2019 6:18 pm

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PCV, there was another BTAC track-clearing crew on Mt Wills over ANZAC day weekend who cleared the track along to Wills South and down to the road, as well as some other areas. There had been many trees fall since we were there two years ago. As usual, views were magnificent.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 30 Sep, 2019 6:55 pm

I recently walked the AAWT from DHG to Bob's Ridge and back. The track is now clear of snow , most of the way except for the crest of Bob's Ridge. No need for snow shoes and it was not XC skiable. Too much broken cover and rocky run outs for XC skiing. I will have to go back out that way and walk some more of it in the future.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Sun 15 Dec, 2019 2:29 pm

The AAWT is closed from The Junction of The T Spur and the Long Spur all the way to Mt. Wills and down to the Omeo Hwy. . This is due to bushfires in the area. If you are planning to walk along Long Spur or visit the Mt.Wills area then please postpone any activity in this area.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 02 Jan, 2020 8:16 am

Large sections of the AAWT from Omeo to DHG are now closed because of bushfires. There is also a fire in the broader Mt. Hotham area.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 27 Nov, 2020 6:24 pm

Mt Wills to Mt. Bogong. We walked this route there and back this week . It was taxing. The route up/ down Mt. Wills is basically OK ( but VERY STEEP ) & there are fallen logs on the track and blackberries at the bottom near Big River Saddle.
Long Spur 4 x 4 track is clear. The Foot track on The LONG SPUR has blackberries, a gazillion fallen logs and head high scrub in places. Some track erosion makes some steep bits near Mulhauser spur a bit treacherous if you have a heavy pack on your back .
Water was flowing lower down under the Long Spur 4 x4 track closer to where it meets The Big River Log Road but the Long Spur bushwalking section is dry and extra water must be carried until you reach the T spur junction.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 24 Feb, 2021 8:35 pm

The chain at the Bottom of The T spur where you cross Big River is at present broken. It means if there is a big rain storm then the river crossing could become difficult if not treacherous. I will ring Parks Vic. in Mt. Beauty and inform them. The Log Book at CC Hut on Mt. Bogong as of 20/2/21 is my source of information.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby Smellypaddler » Tue 22 Jun, 2021 7:56 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:The chain at the Bottom of The T spur where you cross Big River is at present broken. It means if there is a big rain storm then the river crossing could become difficult if not treacherous. I will ring Parks Vic. in Mt. Beauty and inform them. The Log Book at CC Hut on Mt. Bogong as of 20/2/21 is my source of information.

I walked Watchbed Creek to Cleve Cole on the 10th May and can confirm the chain is broken.

The rest of the track was in good condition at the time and looked like it had recently been cleared.

In good weather it would be a challenging but pleasant walk, unfortunately I was rained on all day and almost blown away up the tops. Cleve Cole hut never looked so good.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby LLSC » Mon 22 Nov, 2021 9:07 pm

2 important points regarding this section of track:
1. Heading toward Canberra from Taylors Crossing, the track has now reverted to its earlier alignment, along the Mitta Mitta River (the broken line shown in Chapman's book). There were two BTAC working bees to check the alignment and to clear the track. It is in very good nick.
2. The accursed section from Lower Tablelands Road down to Morass Creek, then up to Benambra Corryong Road has also been cleared. There are now many track markers visible along this section, very few of which I ever saw before. For those walking the track soon, as expected, Morass Creek is fairly high, so you will have to wade it to get across but it should be OK with care.
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 23 Nov, 2021 8:51 am

The chain at the bottom of the T Spur / Big river crossing is still broken. I have reported this to P.V. in Mt. Beauty. I may walk a circuit of Mt. Bogong in Dec. 2021 and will report back .
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Re: AAWT between Hotham, Omeo Hwy, and Thredbo

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Fri 16 Sep, 2022 7:07 pm

The chain at the Bottom of the T spur across Big River was back in place when I walked from Roper Hut to CC hut in April 2022.
I recently XC ski toured the AAWT over Mt. Nelse down to Roper Hut. Nothing new to report there really but it was a great clear sunny still day and skiing down from Warby corner to Roper hut beats walking it anyday !
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