Goulburn River NP.

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Goulburn River NP.

Postby kanangra » Fri 06 Jul, 2018 1:16 pm

Afraid to say I've never given this park much attention. I have recently discovered that my Irish forebears settled on land that adjoins the NP. Anybody tell me anything about it? I intend to check it out.

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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby Lindsay » Fri 06 Jul, 2018 5:31 pm

A bit of a hidden gem. Divided up into sections by private property it has some nice camping areas and walks. The Drip is a short walk accessed from the Ulan Rd North of Mudgee, a nice easy walk but no camping facilites. Lees Pinch track is another short walk in the middle of the park accessed from the Merriwa - Wollar road, I don't recall any camping facilites there either, but great views. There are a couple of nice camping area accessible for 2WD in good conditions at Spring Gully and Big River, off the Mogo/Spring Gully Rds north of Wollar. I have only visited a couple of times and not camped there however it does look a nice place to spend a few days.There looks to be some nice walking along the river although I only went a short distance.
The area around The Drip is in danger from coal mine expansion, a bit of a hot topic in Mudgee and surrounds right now. The park is fairly quiet and well worth a visit, even without any long walking tracks.
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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby kanangra » Fri 06 Jul, 2018 9:17 pm

Thanks for that Lindsay. I'll definitely have to take a look.

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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby awildland » Sat 07 Jul, 2018 7:21 am

We did a walk there three years ago and there is scope for long through walks following the river. Very pretty stuff. We did a blog post on it here, https://awildland.blogspot.com/2015/12/ ... .html#more. Hopefully it has some info that's of use.
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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby rustyjus » Sat 07 Jul, 2018 10:41 am

I spend a bit of time around there....

Though there is ground water around the drip area... the goulburn river has dried up for the first time in over 30 years because of the coal mines draining the aquifers for coal cleaning and irrigating a cattle fatting farms also owned by the coal mines as they have pretty much unregulated water.

Ive seen people camping a couple kms up the road from the drip near the Hands on Rock cave... also worth visiting.

You can also camp on certain private properties in the area.

well worth the visit - beautiful land.
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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby Wollemi » Mon 09 Jul, 2018 10:19 am

rustyjus wrote:I spend a bit of time around there....
You can also camp on certain private properties in the area.

How does one go about getting permission to camp on 'certain private properties in the area' ? Or, FWIW, in any area ?
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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby Warin » Mon 09 Jul, 2018 11:21 am

Wollemi wrote:
rustyjus wrote:How does one go about getting permission to camp on 'certain private properties in the area' ? Or, FWIW, in any area ?

Find where you want to camp. Then find that property address .. and write to them, include a stamped self addressed envelope (if you write to more than one property put the property name on the back of the envelope so you can tell where the contents came from). Phone them and you could get them in the middle of something. Writing and they can chose when to open and respond. For NSW you should be able to hunt down the information form the Land and Property Information (LPI) people..
For regular camp sites in an area .. the local tourist office can help.
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Re: Goulburn River NP.

Postby michael_p » Mon 09 Jul, 2018 11:47 am

One foot in front of the other.
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