Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

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Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby GeorgiaJ » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 9:34 am


My friend and I are looking for an overnight hike we can do in a few weeks, ideally relatively close to Canberra (ie up to 2hrs drive), either all on track or at least not through dense scrub. We've had some unpleasant bush bashing experiences lately climbing the Tinderrys and coming down from Tidbinbilla Peak, so keen to not be slapped in the face by sticks all day for a change.

Fairly fit, have done a few overnighters (Jagungal loop, Cotter Flats etc). We were hoping to do Bimberi, but the road to the shorter ascent from the west is now closed, and we suspect the 53km round trip from Orroral might be a bit too much in 2 days, especially with the shorter days and likelihood of snow.

Having trouble finding on-track overnighters on John Evans' blog, or long enough hikes on the ACT bushwalkers site. Any suggestions (even a mish-mash of various trails) very welcome!

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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby LachlanB » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 12:49 pm

Hi Georgia, hope you get some good suggestions.

As you're discovering, there's lots of excellent walking around Canberra, but much of it comes with bushbashing.

One good area to look at would be the northern and western Budawangs, which is (just) within 2h drive of Canberra. A walk from Wog Wog Campground to Mt Cole camping caves, return via Corang Lagoon (so that there's at least some circuit) possibly even with a side trip to Monolith Valley would be about 40km, and all on track. There's plenty of other walks in the Budawangs that are (mostly) on track, and the best source of info on the area is Ron Doughton's Bushwalking in the Budawangs. If you're looking for a copy (the newer version is blue-purple), try the Lifeline Bookfair, there's usually a couple of copies there. Otherwise, I think I saw a copy in Paddy Pallin in Braddon just the other day.

Also, it's probably closer to a 30km round trip (but with lots of uphill), but you could park at the Namadgi Visitor's Centre, climb up over the Mt Tennent ridge, pitch tents at Bushfold Flat, visit Booroomba Rocks, come back, and head home via the peak of Mt Tennent the next day. If you really wanted to get closer to 40km, following the AAWT to Honeysuckle Ck and back would add another 7km or so.

Sorry I can't help more, as I usually do shorter days.
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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby bernieq » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 12:51 pm

Corang loop, in the Budawangs? Wog Wog via Corang Peak to Burrumbeet Brook and back out via Corang Cascades. Pretty close to 40km. John Evans has a track download, I think.

Ha - beaten by seconds !
Last edited by bernieq on Fri 20 Jul, 2018 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby Zapruda » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 1:31 pm

I second the Corang loop, just lovely, although it is actually closer to 25 km. Easily doable in a day as well, but better as an overnighter so you can explore all the rocks and the river. The Budawangs offers plenty of other great multiday walks as well.

You could look a bit further afield and go east of Kiandra. The snow is usually all but gone come September and pretty marginal before then. You could do a combination of track and easy plain walking. Some very nice country out there.
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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby bernieq » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 3:06 pm

Well, that's what comes from relying on memory!

To correct my error, having now checked my gpx tracks :
Wog Wog to Bibbenluke camp (not Burrumbeet) plus side trips to Admiration Pt and Yurnga is 20km. Return via Corang Cascades without sidetrips is 17km (from Bibbenluke) - total 37km.

Take off 4km each way if only going to Burrumbeet overhangs (total 29km) - and take another 3km off without the side trips (total 26km).

Finally, just the loop (without crossing Canowie Brook) is 24km !

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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby ribuck » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 4:54 pm

I will add my voice to those who have suggested the Corang loop. There's just so much of interest along the way. There's the view from Corang Peak, the rock bridge of Corang Arch, the conglomerate slope, the Burrumbeet overhangs, the rock ribs in Corang River, and the Corang lagoon.

Of course, this assumes it's not lashing it down with freezing cold rain the whole time.
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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby LachlanB » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 5:34 pm

ribuck wrote:I will add my voice to those who have suggested the Corang loop
Of course, this assumes it's not lashing it down with freezing cold rain the whole time.

I guess people call them the Floodawangs for a reason :D
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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby bernieq » Fri 20 Jul, 2018 6:19 pm

Yeah, that brings back memories !

In June 2007, on a blue-sky day, we stepped across Wog Wog Creek on the way in and 4 days later, after non-stop torrential rain, needed a 50m climbing rope to cross a raging torrent - at the old ford upstream as the campground crossing was impassable.

Freezing cold ! Definately advise checking the forecast - not that it did us much good.

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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby GeorgiaJ » Tue 24 Jul, 2018 6:13 pm

The crowd has spoken! I think the 37km option from the Wog Wog carpark to Bibbenluke, then back by the Corang Cascades sounds perfect. And we will definitely be doing more out Kiandra way once the snow lifts a bit.

Actually we were out doing some backcountry skiing near Selwyn over the weekend. Camped near Four Mile Hut (we didn't get very far as it was my first time and I was a bit wobbly on the downhill with a pack on). LOTS of snow, so Kiandra walks are definitely a post-September activity...

Thanks all - will post report
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Re: Looking for overnight winter hike (approx 40km) ACT/NSW

Postby Huntsman247 » Tue 24 Jul, 2018 6:29 pm

Just did the corang loop the other weekend. Definately worth it. Make sure you check out Yurnga lookout. Well worth the view. And for an added challenge see if you can swim out to the ice at corang lagoon. Makes you feel alive. Lol
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