Been wanting to do this trek for a while now, just gathering info on it as I quite like to be organised and well prepared.
Few questions first, I plan to fly to Kathmandu from Sydney, and stay either 2 or 3 nights there to get TIMS and Sagarmatha park permit, also to look around the city and take it all in. After which I plan to fly to Lukla and begin trekking there. Anyway, to the question, from Lukla to Gorak Shep, numerous of online forums have stated that taking a tent on this trek is unnecessary as staying at Tea Houses along the way is the way to go, if this is the case, during peak season will there be a time when there is no room in any of the Tea Houses? I ask this as I do not want to regret not bringing a tent because there is no where to stay. People who have done the hike say that sometimes they sleep on the main room floor when there are no beds, but rarely get turned away, so any feedback or answers would be greatly appreciated.
Another question is in relation to food and water, I am aware that water and be taken from clear streams with iodine tablets dropped in them or bought, and breakfast and tea can be purchased at Tea Houses, how much food and water would be recommended to take? I know that at these altitudes 4 Litres of water should be drunk as bare minimum.
Last question, I'm planning to do this independently, no guide or porter, I will be doing it with others, but is this decision wise? There are mixed opinions on this, but most say it comes down to personal preference. If this is the case I would like to do it independently, is the track hard to follow? Lots of signposts? And is good navigational knowledge required?
Thans for any help in advance, any links to forums or other sites would be greatly appreciated (Probably already read it)