Tasmania specific bushwalking discussion.
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Tasmania specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:04 am
I suspect by now, the quality of campsite is not high on L-P's thought processes.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:17 am
Orion wrote:north-north-west wrote:If you're going to be pedantic, the first time he changed his original projected route that announcement became null.
I don't see it that way. It would be an incredible stretch to call his effort null even if he had called it quits a week ago. My pedanticism was feigned. I think the quibbles about him picking up a headtorch or the the definition of winter miss the point. He's in his own category. Who carries 7 weeks of food, never mind a boat, in their packs in the wilderness?
Is there anybody else out there doing what he's doing?
There was that othe bloke who did a 'winter traverse' earlier this year, starting the beginning of April, but his was with food drops and helped along with a bike and a chopper.
The beginning of September has some of the most wintery weather in Tasmania, much worse than June usually. I'd class his trip as a winter traverse. The only bonus of this time of year is the longer days which Lou Phi clearly didn't take advantage of!!
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:25 am
Orion wrote:north-north-west wrote:If you're going to be pedantic, the first time he changed his original projected route that announcement became null.
I don't see it that way. It would be an incredible stretch to call his effort null even if he had called it quits a week ago. My pedanticism was feigned. I think the quibbles about him picking up a headtorch or the the definition of winter miss the point. He's in his own category. Who carries 7 weeks of food, never mind a boat, in their packs in the wilderness?
Is there anybody else out there doing what he's doing?
I didn't say the effort was null, I said the announcement was. In other words, the exact route is irrelevant - his major target was an unsupported, unresupplied north-south traverse in winter. Quibbles about definitions of resupply and support are valid, but the winter traverse was completed when he hit the coast on Thursday.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:34 am
Yesterday he reported he has sore feet. That will make every step painful and progress harder.
He is still in camp unless he is waking but has not turned on the in reach (which is possible to save power).
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:35 am
He provides his definition of ‘unsupported’ at 1:55 in this interestingly named YouTube video.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:45 am
If you want to split hairs over how this walk will be recorded let's not forget that he did a few chunks of the PCT twice due to the effort required to lug 65kgs over and under fallen trees.
Doesn't that go some way towards counteracting the fact that he picked up a second hand pair of sunnies , a cheap head torch and didnt quite get home before all the balmy spring weather set in ?
Argue about it to the cows come home, just dont lose sight of what an epic achievement this has been.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:52 am
north-north-west wrote:
And that reminds me. Is the "temporary alternative track" east of Milford Ck still being used or has it been rerouted? He will not enjoy that if he has to do it.
The temporary alternative track is pretty permanent now with a bridge over the creek.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 11:56 am
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 12:06 pm
davidn3875 wrote:I suspect by now, the quality of campsite is not high on L-P's thought processes.
I agree; actually don’t think campsite selection has ever been his priority!
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 12:26 pm
Argue about it to the cows come home
Yep, another great thread ruined by the quibbling of a select few
What a fantastic achievement so far LP. My thanks to Overlandman for constantly updating the links on the current page
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 12:26 pm
Axie77 wrote:north-north-west wrote:And that reminds me. Is the "temporary alternative track" east of Milford Ck still being used or has it been rerouted? He will not enjoy that if he has to do it.
The temporary alternative track is pretty permanent now with a bridge over the creek.
A bridge? What is the world coming to?
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 12:58 pm
Bridges will be part of the upgrades for the private hut/ dry boot crowd. Can't otherwise hit those time targets for the corporate wilderness.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 1:05 pm
beardless wrote:Yesterday he reported he has sore feet. That will make every step painful and progress harder.
He is still in camp unless he is waking but has not turned on the in reach (which is possible to save power).
I hope it's the case that he's walking in stealth mode and we are all going to get a surprise ping, otherwise he'll have to get a Cliff Young shuffle on to get out at a reasonable hour tomorrow.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 1:07 pm
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:Yep, another great thread ruined by the quibbling of a select few
OP says....... backslapping welcome, questions welcome, opinions welcome. Welcome!
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 1:23 pm
north-north-west wrote:A bridge? What is the world coming to?
Another bridge, apparently.
Could be saving the last ergs of battery energy by not using the inreach today.
It will be interesting to see forthcoming analysis of his trip, by the press and himself.
I expect the exit will be made with some warning, so as to maximise publicity and have a return avalible (not to mention food!).
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 1:49 pm
I'm aware that he had limited battery remaining. I think it may have been suggested to him to save the last bit of battery for coming out so people knew when to prepare to meet him.
But it's all a bit speculative. He might just be buggered.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:17 pm
No - still at camp - just got a ping
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:21 pm
Yep looks like he's off now.
Anyone want to place bets on how far he gets today?
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:25 pm
NickMonk wrote:Yep looks like he's off now.
Anyone want to place bets on how far he gets today?
I reckon Surprise tonight, South Cape Rivulet tomorrow and into Cockle Creek Monday
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:35 pm
tastrax wrote:NickMonk wrote:Yep looks like he's off now.
Anyone want to place bets on how far he gets today?
I reckon Surprise tonight, South Cape Rivulet tomorrow and into Cockle Creek Monday
He's set his marker for Granite. Be a *&%$#! late finish to achieve that. Wonder why so late leaving today.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:38 pm
I reckon his feet and general tiredness are causing the slow pace
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:42 pm
It's been raining down there all morning too. Would be hard to motivate yourself out of the tent in *&%$#! weather and his condition.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:45 pm
NickMonk wrote:It's been raining down there all morning too. Would be hard to motivate yourself out of the tent in *&%$#! weather and his condition.
and with a long beach walk in front of you with the wind behind you....
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:46 pm
Nice place to stop and enjoy for a few hours. Maybe take some pics and film the locale. Perhaps eat some seaweed and snooze!
It's his trip he can leave when he wants, do what he wants and he can't hear you lot anyway
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 2:55 pm
doogs wrote:Nice place to stop and enjoy for a few hours. Maybe take some pics and film the locale. Perhaps eat some seaweed and snooze!
It's his trip he can leave when he wants, do what he wants and he can't hear you lot anyway

Maybe he snagged a crayfish and was savouring the extra protein!
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 3:00 pm
I doubt if he'll finish before midnight on Sunday night, unless he now plans to walk straight through without stopping (always possible at this stage).
He really needed about 10 hrs today and 10 hrs tomorrow, but he will be going to midnight to do that today. So no early start on Sunday, or a very long section left for Sunday.
I realise he can go at any rate he wants, but he had hoped to be done by Sunday and may have adjusted his rationing for that.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 4:59 pm
north-north-west wrote:He's set his marker for Granite. Be a *&%$#! late finish to achieve that. Wonder why so late leaving today.
If he can get to the camp at Granite then he will have done 21.5 km today and have 20.5 km to finish off tomorrow.
If he stops before Granite then he either has an even harder day tomorrow or he takes an extra day.
His late start today means that he won't get to Granite until about midnight.
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 5:14 pm
MrWalker wrote:If he can get to the camp at Granite then he will have done 21.5 km today and have 20.5 km to finish off tomorrow.
If he stops before Granite then he either has an even harder day tomorrow or he takes an extra day.
His late start today means that he won't get to Granite until about midnight.
A late finish today will mean a late start tomorrow. OK? Now that I have said that he'll finish late and start early
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 5:31 pm
In 2007 he went from Osmiridium to South Cape Rivulet in a day (18kms) after around the same time in the field so it is possible he will get to Granite.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... =818805682
Sat 22 Sep, 2018 5:37 pm
A late finish today will mean a late start tomorrow. OK? Now that I have said that he'll finish late and start early

It's exactly this WT *$&# element that has kept this so interesting ! Louphi keeps us all guessing !!!!
Wouldn't suprise me if he finished at 3 in the morning walking backwards in the nude
I'd be disappointed if he suddenly stayed on script and finished the way people expect him to !
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