Grabeach wrote:Trouble is we only get to vote every three years, can only vote on what policies are put up and, while of us some have detailed knowledge on a limited number of subjects, for the most part we rely on expert research and opinion via the media.
Can’t have it both ways. If the ‘stupid’ can’t properly apply their vote paper every 3 years, what rationale is there to shorten that? Look at Brexit, blindly following some slogans and not thinking things through, now a large portion of the electorate are having regrets.
As for the issue of knowledge and experts, that raises question on the political system we have and some of the assumptions of the system. Our democracy assumes the voters are able to judge issues, just as for the jury system, but are some matters just to complex for most? Can the electorate be expected to decide on every issue? Or are some issues better decided by experts (eg. Global warming)? Unfortunately again, the electorate is blasé and can’t get together and make the necessary changes to better optimise the system.