Just in case anyone is thinking of purchasing a trail camera, here are some photos from mine to maybe get a better idea of what to expect at a particular price point.
Aldi recently advertised a "12MP " trail camera at $129. I had a look at the specs and found that there are several vendors for the exact same camera at anything from $65 USD (do not ship to AU...) to $169.
I bought one from a local vendor ( on EBay) for $98 inc postage.
It arrived in 4 days.
One of the versions of that camera :

- trail camera.jpg (33.84 KiB) Viewed 67609 times
As I knew already, the 12MP bit is the interpolated image. The sensor is 5MP and that is , according to the manual, the best setting for it ( totally the opposite of the typical ad blurb..)
Anyway , it works but I have noticed that several times it has been triggered but was not fast enough to capture the triggeree (!)
Some un-retouched shots from it .
Me going for a walk with the cat :
Blondie, a very small fox that happens to be almost all blond, no red .
A young male. This one seems to be by himself most of the time. I see him occasionally during the day :
Both that particular roo and Blondie have been captured several times. Another fox made an appearance (typical red fox) as well as a pair of beagles, at 6:30 PM, that I don't know were they come from.