Emergency Skills

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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 20 Mar, 2020 10:28 am

Absolutely slow the spread [ far too late here I fear] but also keep the cost down so we don't have to spend the next 20 years paying it off in much higher taxes. My brother was an army medic as well as a quad certificate nurse / DON and my uncle was a combat medic in Vietnam, I guess I'm used to talking about casualty rates and extreme triage
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Gadgetgeek » Fri 20 Mar, 2020 1:59 pm

The thing is, unless there it systemic change, those houses that hit the market are just going to end up as rental units that I still cannot buy. As far as costs go, its largely a shared fiction. That money spent is just economic fuel. I agree that the "leadership" needs to get in gear and make some choices, but so long as they keep following the lead of a certain someone, I don't see that happening. In all honesty I disagree with Trudeau on a lot of things, but what I will say is like his father before him, he seems to have listened to his advisors and made bold moves.
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 21 Mar, 2020 4:01 pm

https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/emergency ... y-list.pdf
Relevant link given the panic buying and it has been up for a long time.
Given my trade background I have always tried to keep the fridge and pantry well stocked. SWMBO was always asking why the F***** I kept so much food on hand, today I got an apology of sorts because apart from toilet paper we could live out of the house and garden for at least a month maybe another 2 weeks using up the bushwalking stash.
Might drop the weekly rental rate tho GG. Truth is tho that when my mum dies and the estate is settled the house itself will be demolished and 6 to 8 units will go on the block, even tho the house could fit a dozen people easily being a 3 bedroom plus 2BR granny flat
Simply because a developer will make more profit that way. What we need are far more "High Rise" and medium density flats built specifically as rental accommodations. Not the awful flats of the late 60's and 70's but places with proper amenities, green communal areas and common rooms that get cleaned and policed properly
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Face mask!

Postby Cecile » Sat 21 Mar, 2020 4:23 pm

I tried two separate patterns today. The so-called easiest, the flat, three-pleat mask that emulates a proper medical mask design was a pain in the proverbial to make. I had a win with this one, modelled so nicely by Moondog. Not the neatest thing I've ever made, it's my test piece.

There are multiple patterns, most of which are free, and a number of Youtube tutorials. I think this one is the best. I used elastic on the sides because it's what Ted prefers - for me I think I'll use ties. https://freesewing.org/docs/patterns/fu If you're really serious, you could use a small piece of wire to press the mask to your nose for shape and a closer fit.

This one's OK, but it's pleated and for me was a PITA. I have 50 years' sewing experience, so if you're a rank beginner, you might not want to try it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qru9hiudjngwb ... 2.pdf?dl=0
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby andrewa » Sat 21 Mar, 2020 5:07 pm

P2 proven (?!) , or is that just to stop him coughing on you?....in which case, just chuck him in the shed, or a tent outside!

Maybe a business proposition for those who like wearing masks all the time? Our Asian contingent, and perhaps bank robbers, muggers etc.

One of my Chinese patients asked me the other day why we don’t always wear masks in Australia. She was “flabbergasted”, as our Health Minister was recently, when she chucked a local GP under the bus. I tried to explain the medical basis.

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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Gadgetgeek » Sat 21 Mar, 2020 8:40 pm

Funny thing is that for half the year in Canada, facemasks used to be totally okay, and then someone I guess decided it was impolite. I spent most of my young winters with little more than my eyes showing!
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby wildwanderer » Sun 22 Mar, 2020 6:23 am

Endgame C. Best strategy I've seen in a while. https://theconversation.com/the-case-fo ... one-134232

It will be tough but we have to do it now. Otherwise we will be like Italy in 2-3 weeks. (Already it might be to late. We already have thousands of undiagnosed cases as we are not testing for community transmission)

When it's desperate follow the example of the only place that stopped this.. Wuhan. No matter how unpalatable it is.
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 22 Mar, 2020 10:44 am

I am self isolating except for the trips to buy essential supplies
It's simply the socially responsible thing to do. I'll take this opportunity to get some of my delayed sewing projects started, using Ceciles old machine.
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby wildwanderer » Tue 24 Mar, 2020 11:03 am

Applying for the announced government assistance is a complete shambles. Its literally impossible unless a person has already interacted with Centrelink and has a customer number. Which most of the newly unemployed won’t have.

Despite the gov claims you can apply online or over the phone. You can’t.

Applying and everything else including linking to mygov requires a Centrelink customer reference number which needs a ID check to receive. ID checks can only be done in person or over the phone. The phones are either engaged or you connect for 5 mins, go through voice prompts and then get a automated message saying they are busy and to call back later and then the phone disconnects. So, it’s impossible to sign up and do a ID check via the phone system.

Or you can go and line up around the block at Centrelink for hours, likely catch coronavirus for your troubles and then go home and spread it to the family.

The red tape needs to go. There are commercial and government online systems available for ID checks. After passing the check the customer reference number needs to be automatically processed and given to the applicant.

The governments need to implement these for Centrelink and Services Australia asap or thousands of families are literally going to run out of money. Social disorder plus a epidemic will not be pretty. :?
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 24 Mar, 2020 12:08 pm

wildwanderer wrote:Applying for the announced government assistance is a complete shambles. Its literally impossible unless a person has already interacted with Centrelink and has a customer number. Which most of the newly unemployed won’t have.

Despite the gov claims you can apply online or over the phone. You can’t.

Applying and everything else including linking to mygov requires a Centrelink customer reference number which needs a ID check to receive. ID checks can only be done in person or over the phone. The phones are either engaged or you connect for 5 mins, go through voice prompts and then get a automated message saying they are busy and to call back later and then the phone disconnects. So, it’s impossible to sign up and do a ID check via the phone system.

Or you can go and line up around the block at Centrelink for hours, likely catch coronavirus for your troubles and then go home and spread it to the family.

The red tape needs to go. There are commercial and government online systems available for ID checks. After passing the check the customer reference number needs to be automatically processed and given to the applicant.

The governments need to implement these for Centrelink and Services Australia asap or thousands of families are literally going to run out of money. Social disorder plus a epidemic will not be pretty. :?

Well said but
Even for those of us who already have ID and CRN's the system is failing rapidly. The system has devolved over the decades and now the cracks are showing.
If in serious trouble perhaps in the short term people need to approach a bank for an emergency extension of credit. We are OK here so far but that is possible because I am a bit of a prepper. But we don't have anything extra to share really as we got caught out prior to our normal fortnitely shopping trip.
Those Centrelink queues on the news last nite shocked me really, I am betting that every one of those people in the queue are now infected
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Re: Emergency Skills

Postby wildwanderer » Sat 28 Mar, 2020 1:34 pm

Regarding stopping the spread. I think one of the elephants in the room that I havent heard much about is the risk of spread among apartment dwellers.

The lift and common door handles being the most risky areas for super spreading events.

Someone infected coughs in a lift then exits, then a minute later a family gets in the lift and breathes it in..
Someone infected coughs on their hands or touches their nose, then gets in lift and presses the elevator button or opens a common door handle. Then everyone who presses that button or opens that door for hours afterwards gets it on their hands. Anyone who then touches their face before washing their hands risks infection.

Its tough to mitigate against..


Make it mandatory that all building management must have warnings in lifts and on common doors.

- Stop the spread. No coughing in lifts.
- Use a pencil to press the lift button.

Common doors.
- Use sanitiser or wash your hands after you touch a common door handle.
- Don’t touch your face.
- Keep open common doors where possible/safe.
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