Mt Gould Plateau for a family

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Mt Gould Plateau for a family

Postby Freewalker68 » Sat 07 Nov, 2020 9:28 am

Hi, We are a family of four and we’re considering a two night stay from Narcissus. Would Gould Plateau be a good spot? What easier mountains are accessible or say perhaps parts of the Mt Gould suitable for a family climb? We stayed at Pine Valley last time but were wondering if there was a slightly more remote spot suitable to camp? thanks
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Mt Gould Plateau for a family

Postby bluewombat » Sat 07 Nov, 2020 9:37 am

As they say in the classics, it depends. The track up Gould to the plateau is not well marked and not suitable for younger people, early teens and up should be fine if the adults are experienced. There is not much to do on the plateau, and there is not easy access to anything else from the plateau. I would suggest a couple of nights up in the Labyrinth might be a better alternative, the track is obvious and the access and camping options varied
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Re: Mt Gould Plateau for a family

Postby Freewalker68 » Tue 10 Nov, 2020 7:55 pm

Thank you. Apologies for this post being here.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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