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Postby Kickinghorse » Mon 14 Dec, 2020 9:29 am

For those who remember, these were green waxed waterproof matches that came in a wax coated match box.
To anyone’s knowledge, are these still made/available?

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Re: Greenlights

Postby stry » Mon 14 Dec, 2020 11:06 am

Greenlights have been crap for quite a few years. Don't know when they changed, but change they did.

I have stash of Coghlans that I bought at Paddy's in Hobart when whoever decided to turn Greenlights into a garbage product. They are far superior to Greenlights, unless current production has suffered a similar fate.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 17 Dec, 2020 8:28 am

I haven't used matches as my go-to for decades, I use a small gas lighter. But I always have a supply of matches for emergency use and I agree that the current Greenlights and equivalent are crapola to the max.
I got some waterproof windproof matches a while ago via eBay which are pretty good as the matches are sealed inside a small poly bag as is the spare striker pad but at $0.55 a match I'm reluctant to test them.
Avoid the Army matches in the little brown tubs, they date from Vietnam and are all dead and won't strike and they weren't all that good when they were new.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Kickinghorse » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 7:44 am

Yes agree MD. Waterproof matches are a great backup, as if for any reason a lighter Flint becomes damp, it won’t spark.
Fingers crossed we will make it down to Tassie next week but am very reluctant to include matches and a lighter in a pack in the hold. Know others do this.
Have done it in the past but airlines always ask.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Eremophila » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 7:47 am

Smokers always seem able to take theirs onboard.... this baffles me. I can't have a pair of tweezers or nail clippers in my carry-on (which I generally don't anyway), just in case I may pluck the pilot, or hijack the plane by way of pedicure. But a cigarette lighter - hey, no problem.
Sorry bit off topic there.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby commando » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 2:08 pm

The reliability of Bic lighters is proven and unsurpassed, matches were always a weak choice.
I found a Bic lighter rusty and hard to use in a shed and it worked after 15 years of neglect.
The equipment test for airline carry on is that if it can draw blood its banned.
You can get a small ferrocerium rod (flint) for backup, biro diameter, $11 Aussie disposals they work wet or dry.
If you watch the TV series Alone that's all they are allowed to take as a fire starter.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Mark F » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 4:05 pm

Kickinghorse wrote:Yes agree MD. Waterproof matches are a great backup, as if for any reason a lighter Flint becomes damp, it won’t spark.
Fingers crossed we will make it down to Tassie next week but am very reluctant to include matches and a lighter in a pack in the hold. Know others do this.
Have done it in the past but airlines always ask.

On my reading of airline regulations lighters are only allowed in carry on and not in stowed luggage. The reason is that if something goes wrong there is a person on hand to deal with it. I have always carried mini bic lighters in my carry on pack when travelling. Matches are also banned from checked in baggage for similar reasons. They may also be banned in carryon but it is unclear .
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Kickinghorse » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 6:28 pm

Very surprised by the info re gas lighters in hand luggage.
Might wait to pickup a gas canister though!

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Re: Greenlights

Postby ribuck » Mon 21 Dec, 2020 11:26 pm

The rules are very clear on the Qantas website: ... %3Aen%3Ann

Matches and lighters are prohibited in checked baggage, and they are prohibited in carry-on baggage. However, you may carry "One per passenger and must be kept on one's person (in a pocket)".
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Kickinghorse » Tue 22 Dec, 2020 6:21 am

Ok noticed one may carry on a gas powered hair curler! didn’t realise they were a thing.
Will see how far I get through security screening with a bic in my pocket!

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Re: Greenlights

Postby ribuck » Tue 22 Dec, 2020 7:26 pm

Kickinghorse wrote:Will see how far I get through security screening with a bic in my pocket!

You have to put it on the conveyor belt for the x-ray screening. The "keep it in your pocket" rule is for on-board the aircraft. The theory is that if it bursts into flames during the flight, you are sure to notice.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby commando » Thu 07 Jan, 2021 3:25 pm

In 1998 Bryant and May sold their business to Swedish match company.
In 1999 Swedish match company subcontracted to Java Match Co Indonesia
So that was more than likely the time they disappeared as Bryant & May sold off all their machinery
and their factory is now Apartments.
Sand and Glue never makes a good striker flint.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby rcaffin » Thu 07 Jan, 2021 7:57 pm

The equipment test for airline carry on is that if it can draw blood its banned.
I can draw blood with a head butt, and I can draw blood with a Biro. Humm ? ? ?
The rules are to keep the pollies happy that they are 'doing something', that's all.

I was flying to Europe in Business Class one year, and after the inevitable safety lecture there was a meal. I asked the hostess when she delivered my meal what she would do if a highjacker popped up. She declined to answer, but she did pick up the small wine bottle on my meal tray. And then smiled.

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Re: Greenlights

Postby north-north-west » Mon 11 Jan, 2021 5:46 pm

rcaffin wrote:The equipment test for airline carry on is that if it can draw blood its banned.

No more long fingernails for anyone.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Hughmac » Fri 22 Jan, 2021 7:39 pm

I gave up on matches 20 years ago, and went for a spare lighter in a ziplock bag.
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Re: Greenlights

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 22 Jan, 2021 7:54 pm

north-north-west wrote:
rcaffin wrote:The equipment test for airline carry on is that if it can draw blood its banned.

No more long fingernails for anyone.

Reminds me of one of my uncles; Ex-Vietnam combat medic. extra long thumb nail epoxied and sharp as a razor
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