Hi all, I am new to this forum so apologies if this has been asked before. My friends and I plan to do our first multi-day hike along the Great North Walk NSW. I am worried the time of year we plan to go there will be a fire ban and have no experience with butane gas canisters.
Can anyone with experience please advise how these can be transported safely in a hiking backpack that’s likely to be very full and in potentially high temperatures? There is a lot of advice on how to store in cars and even at the campsite but I can’t find anything on how to make sure they don’t explode while in your backpack walking around in the heat. I know this may not be an issue but due to the warnings on the bottle I would prefer to be safe and ask someone who has done it. Or if anyone has any different or easier ways of cooking during a fire ban that would be appreciated too.
Thanks for your help!