Plane crash at Pillinger???

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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby corvus » Tue 10 Feb, 2009 6:23 pm

Just been to this site with a friend who was looking for a Geocache its almost a "highway" now if you know where to locate the start of the track which I have walked passed for over 17 years (no real interest and incidently picked up with only a GPS hint) and for those who think it should be preserved I believe the owners/insurers should have been enforced to remove the wreckage years ago,it is an abomination in pristine bush and those (who I would have expected more of ) have made it worse with there "I have been there" graffiti.
And yes I did secure a "memento" and I hope everyone who elects to find it does the same as it is after all garbage left in the bush (worse than TP flowers) and as the bits dont smell they are easy to carry :)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby gorby » Tue 10 Feb, 2009 9:05 pm

I will just have to agree to disagree with you on this one Corvus :)

It adds a bit of intrigue to a day walk and has been the lure to get some of my non bushwalking mates out into the bush.
If it was on the side of the track in full view then it would be an eyesore.
The look of amazement in young peoples faces when they are shown the site is worth it, even if they don't appreciate the
pristine walk on the way there at the time( that usually comes as you get older )
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Postby prankphonecall » Tue 10 Feb, 2009 9:58 pm wrote:
forthferalz wrote:I think that waypoint will have to stay between friends as the wreck seems to have suffered from souvenire hunters. :cry:

BAH! set the information free I say. The attitude that you cant share special walking spots locations because every man and his dog will go there gives me the irrits. I come across it all too frequently when trying to find info on waterfalls to put on my site. Tassies natural wonders need promoting...not hiding in a closet to be selfishly coveted.

So are you calling mining waste and plane wrecks natural wonders?
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby corvus » Wed 11 Feb, 2009 9:12 am

Gorby I guess you are right and I was just a bit precious with my post,if it attracts youngsters into bushwalking it is a good thing. :)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby flyfisher » Wed 11 Feb, 2009 4:33 pm

There are many old "bits and pieces" lieing around the bush which,although they show that someone has been here before,add interest to our walks.
Old Dick Reid had huts here and there and on a trip to his hut at Lake Naomi, the float plane he was in crashed near the lake,and the wreckage has been a point of interest ever since .
At Warnes Lookout there are old mining relics, and at Melaleuca there are lots of buildings etc. as there were at Adamsfield and Gordonvale.Does it really detract from our trips, to know that we are not the first person to be in that area.
This is only my opinion but I find these things and their background to be interesting. :)
In the western lakes there are old chimney buts and rotting horse pens plus a few huts and even a 4wd track or two, but its still a great place to spend a week or two

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Darren » Sun 15 Feb, 2009 6:51 am

I guess this poses an interesting question. When does rubbish become history? I have an interest in history although am no expert. Let’s look at an Aboriginal midden and cave paintings, they might be over 1000 years old but in essence they are rubbish and graffiti but are of great significance. Can you imagine if we found an overhang in the scrub that had bourbon cans and spray paint? We would be horrified.
I myself love finding relics of our past; I’ve dragged my kids up mountains near tibooburra to see a cairn Charles Sturt ordered his men to be built to elevate boredom when they are trapped by drought. I’ve searched through the outcrops of the Mitchell plateau for Bradshaw paintings that could be 10000years old, and I love old mines and settlements. I’ve traveled extensively throughout Australia and I always investigate the history of the area when I’m there, that’s another reason why I love Tassie
Close to my home is the Barrington tops world heritage area and there are 3 plane wrecks there. One in fact has never been found despite numerous search expeditions.
As previously mentioned, probably the greatest risk will be the damage caused by punters searching the bush looking for such sites especially if they become popular, but this would have to be managed like any other walk that becomes popular.
I have no answer to the original question, but if a plane or helicopter crashed now in a prominent place I would expect it to be removed.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby forthferalz » Mon 27 Jul, 2009 10:35 am

yes it does attract kids and others - i was planning our first over nighter with friends to this one now my spine is 80% healed ! we can put the souvenire back if you want to! Please don't take anymore! Nothing is going to last forever the bush will cover it up soon enough our life spans are so brief.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby jockster+ » Fri 10 Jan, 2014 11:22 am

Hi Everyone,

not sure if anyone's still watching this topic... my wife and I walked in on the Arm track yesterday, determined to find the old plane wreck. I had what I thought were reasonably good directions, as well as a tip from a passing hiker... I did find the sphagnum mossy clearing, went to the Pillenger end of it and made a couple of (non-invasive) forays down into the bush in a south-easterly direction. Couldn't see any sign of it, but maybe I was either in the wrong spot or didn't go far enough? I don't know, but our reserves of daylight and energy were running low!

I do have the Etrex co-ordinates but unfortunately my GPS works on Lat-Long, and I don't know whether they can be converted.

We plan to have another look sometime this summer, so hopefully more luck then!

Cheers, Jim.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby corvus » Fri 10 Jan, 2014 9:56 pm

You needed to follow the the somewhat obvious pad through the sphagnum and head left into the trees.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Bluegum Mic » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 7:32 am

It also has (had) little pink ribbons on the trees when we went down. I can post some photos but then again there was a fair bit of snow about so it may not help much :-)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby jockster+ » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 7:58 am

Thanks for the replies, I did follow what looked more like a track down through the sphagnum: it seemed to go in the right direction (SE), but resembled a narrow wallaby track... I did go into the trees a short way, but maybe not far enough? Anyway, we plan to have another walk up there soon, so will have another look. Being a pilot myself, and having been in a crash landing (as a passenger), it does have a special interest! Any photos would be appreciated.. Thanks :-)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby norts » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 8:17 am

These were taken 07
DSCN2328 (Large).JPG

DSCN2330 (Large).JPG

DSCN2326 (Large).JPG
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Nuts » Sat 11 Jan, 2014 9:24 am

Pretty easy to change the coordinates on etrex Jockster:
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby jockster+ » Sat 18 Jan, 2014 8:47 am

Thanks for the replies, and great photos! interestingly, a friend was talking to a very experienced bushwalker recently who said that the wreckage had been removed from the site! Has anyone heard of this?
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Miyata610 » Fri 14 Feb, 2014 5:55 pm

jockster+ wrote:Thanks for the replies, and great photos! interestingly, a friend was talking to a very experienced bushwalker recently who said that the wreckage had been removed from the site! Has anyone heard of this?

I don't think so.

Although, I haven't visited it since March 2013.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sat 15 Feb, 2014 11:48 am

One of the local walking clubs had a visit in there last week, seems the wreckage is still there.
Nothing to see here.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Mechanic-AL » Sun 16 Feb, 2014 9:31 am

O.K. So this plane and possibly countless other items out in the sticks get declared as junk. Then what? Who's anorexic budget gets dipped into to remove it? The OH&S people would have a field day creating red tape around such an operation and the whole deal would cost an arm and a leg before anyone even got off their backsides. Asuming we delegate the responsibility to PWS there goes a fortune up in smoke that could be better spent elsewhere.
In the case of Forestry equipment that is usually left laying right along side a road or track though there's no doubt in my mind that they should be made to take their crap with them when they go.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Malbena » Fri 21 Feb, 2014 5:30 am

Can confirm the wreckage is still there, however someone has removed the tapes that used to mark the route through the forest.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby FLICKIT » Thu 10 Feb, 2022 4:46 pm

I wandered in here today, it all looks much the same as the photos posted up the page...

Speculator wrote:I've been interested in this for a while now. I tried to research it a while ago, but there's not much info about to speak of. This site belonging to 'tastrekker' was all I could find.

That site seems to be dead now, can anyone remember any of the details about this wreck? , there doesn't seem to be an ATSB report which is odd considering I assume people perished :(

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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Tortoise » Thu 10 Feb, 2022 6:48 pm

Someone else will know, but I'm pretty sure it was an extraordinary story of survival. Long way to walk out in those days, even without having just been in a plane crash.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Overlandman » Fri 11 Feb, 2022 3:51 pm

I have sent the ATSB an email, hopefully we can get a report.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Warin » Fri 11 Feb, 2022 4:41 pm

ATSB only has 2 crashes listed in Tasmania in 1973.

Fokker P27 Series 400 aircraft registered VH-TFM, operated by Trails-Australia Airlines was engaged on scheduled Regular Public Transport Plight NO. 1497 from Melbourne to Wynyard. ... 197303681/

VH-TSF from Cambridge to the Andover agricultural airstrip - crop dusting. ... 197302858/
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Nuts » Fri 11 Feb, 2022 5:43 pm

According to legend the plane had been resupplying a scouting group Latrobe Boys Brigade group at Lee's paddock and didn't get enough height taking off, all walked out.
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Warin » Fri 11 Feb, 2022 6:21 pm

From The Canberra Times Sat 6 Jan 1973 Page 3

BURNIE, Friday. 5 Jan 1973 —
Two men crawled unscathed from a burning light aircraft after it crashed in dense scrub south of Lake Rowallan today. They are Mr Max Hlliston, former deputy warden of Latrobe. and the pilot, Mr Dallas Hay, 20. They were dropping food supplies to a camping group of Latrobe Boys Brigade members.

Possibly the actual crash occured late 1972...
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby FLICKIT » Sat 12 Feb, 2022 2:28 pm

Warin wrote:From The Canberra Times Sat 6 Jan 1973 Page 3

BURNIE, Friday. 5 Jan 1973 —
Two men crawled unscathed from a burning light aircraft after it crashed in dense scrub south of Lake Rowallan today. They are Mr Max Hlliston, former deputy warden of Latrobe. and the pilot, Mr Dallas Hay, 20. They were dropping food supplies to a camping group of Latrobe Boys Brigade members.

Possibly the actual crash occured late 1972...

Thanks !, that's just the type of info I was interested in .. I'm shocked they walked away from that mess, impressive...

I sat there looking at it all, the height of the canopy and how much of it was destroyed by fire, I was sure there was no hope for the occupants..
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby FLICKIT » Sat 12 Feb, 2022 7:17 pm

I'm fairly sure this wreck is a Piper Cherokee:

It seems the pilot, Dallas Hay 20 (about 70 now), may be the CEO of Sharp Airlines: ... ing-island

An update of the 15yo photos posted above:
(if people feel this vid is not appropriate, let me know and I'll take it down)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Smurphette » Sat 21 May, 2022 9:05 pm

Sorry to resurrect an ancient post.. :lol:

Would anyone be able to PM me coordinates for the site please??

I already have a rough idea where to leave the arm river track, just after confirmation of the actual location!
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby devoswitch » Mon 23 May, 2022 8:06 pm

Hello there.
Was just wondering if anyone sent you the co rods for that plane wreck yet by any chance.
I’m after them too. Heading in there mid June and wouldn’t mind seeing it on my way through.
Thanks heaps
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Smurphette » Mon 23 May, 2022 8:21 pm

devoswitch wrote:Hello there.
Was just wondering if anyone sent you the co rods for that plane wreck yet by any chance.
I’m after them too. Heading in there mid June and wouldn’t mind seeing it on my way through.
Thanks heaps

Yes, I've got them, I'll PM you :)
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Re: Plane crash at Pillinger???

Postby Kasey » Tue 11 Apr, 2023 6:38 pm

Hi ,
Any chance you could PM me the co-ordinates for that plane wreck near Mt Pillinger as well?
We spent a few hours searching yesterday but seems we were about a km off from what I can tell!

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