Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

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Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Mon 14 Mar, 2022 12:41 pm

In the interests of self-inflicted suffering I undertook a loop from Harrietville
Day 1 (about 18km) Start 10am, up Bungalow Spur to Fed. Hut, down Diamantina Spur and arriving at Blair's just after dark (8pm).
Day 2. (about 25km) Start 6:50am (dawnish), along to Dibbin's, then up Swindlers to Derrick, grab water, then on to Mt Loch, road walk to Razorback trailhead, up that hill to start of Bon Accord Spur, down Bon Accord to Washington Creek (7pm).
Day 3. (about 6km) Start 5:20am to Harrietville (7:20am).

Day 1
I had a bit of a cold or something, so this will color my comments as I struggled a bit with this walk.
Bungalow Spur was fine until a bit after Tobias Gap, then I started to feel it, the spring beside the track, below the Hut ruins was flowing and I grabbed a bit of water.
Needed a good rest at old Bungalow Hut ruins, and the ants were welcoming. :D
Made it up to Fed. Hut, lot's of people, and more arriving regularly (long weekend).
Fed. Hut
IMG_4543_0094.png (276.91 KiB) Viewed 15117 times

Grabbed some water and had a rest.
It would have been crowded that evening.

It wasn't that late, so headed off to Diamantina Spur and headed down.
It wasn't bad for the most part (I'd hate to walk up it), the rocky section had a bit of the Helicopter Spur feel about it, but nowhere near as extensive.
Diamantina Spur
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I was slow going down the Spur and by the time I got to Blair's it was dark (again lots of people).

Day 2
I was on my way about 7am, and really wasn't setting any land speed records.
I got to Dibbin's after a while (more people).
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I had initially thought of going up Machinery, but lack of sure water and, erm, facilities convinced me to opt for Swindler's.
Last time I went up Swindlers it was no big deal, but it was a slog this time.
Just no go in the legs and wasn't feeling it.
Got to Derrick after a while, grabbed some water where Lops said it was, cute little fish (galaxias?) in the ponds.
Then up to Mt Loch carpark, along Alpine road to Razorback trailhead.
The climb up to the start of the Bon Accord Spur wasn't what I needed, but the car was in Harrietville and so had to be done.
The Spur started off OK, and for a while wasn't bad if a little steep.
It got steep and rocky a bit above the Hut ruins and it felt stifling without breeze and sun shining.
I reckon it would be like going up Staircase Spur at that section.
Had to take a break at the ruins.
There's a rainwater tank there, and it wasn't empty (I'd thought there was no water there).
Bon Accord Hut site (rainwater tank in background)
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There was a bit of thunder activity from then on, but the cloud helped cool things a bit.
I pushed down to Washington Creek/Ovens river campsite.
There was a bit of rain/hail for 10min on the way down, but it wasn't a problem.
Got there before dark, pitched tent and went to sleep.
Too tired to eat, didn't eat much all trip.

Day 3
Got up before 5am, packed gear and headed for Harrietville.
Apart from a bit of climb at the start it was a simple walk into town, just took it slowly in the dark.

A bit of a slog, and I'm glad I went down the Diamantina & Bon Accord instead of up.
A fair percentage of Type 2 fun.

Postscript: I found my appetite at Maccas in Glenrowan. :D
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby GBW » Mon 14 Mar, 2022 12:52 pm

There's a tank at Bon Accord Hut site now? New signage too. I've been up it and required carrying quite a bit of water to get to Fed Hut.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby sandym » Mon 14 Mar, 2022 2:58 pm

Good report. I don't know the area that well so good to read others reports.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby bigkev » Mon 14 Mar, 2022 6:01 pm

Thanks for the report Baeng, - there's a tank at the old ruins on Bon Accord - that's new.

I must of just missed you, I went through Dibbins / Derrick on Saturday morning doing a two day loop up Paling Spur and back along sections of the AAWT (report pending!) Sensational weather up there last Friday / Saturday.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 15 Mar, 2022 9:50 pm

Some videos of my efforts.
There were points where I'd usually video, but so many people around, that I didn't, so not as many 'how I feel' or 'look at that' moments.
I expected Fed. Hut to be crowded, but Blair's wasn't empty (lot's of tents), nor Dibbins.
Razorback was teeming.

Good weather an a long weekend will bring out a crowd.

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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 15 Mar, 2022 9:52 pm

GBW wrote:There's a tank at Bon Accord Hut site now? New signage too. I've been up it and required carrying quite a bit of water to get to Fed Hut.

Totally surprised me. Also a bridge across the Ovens. I thought there was a log only.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 15 Mar, 2022 9:52 pm

sandym wrote:Good report. I don't know the area that well so good to read others reports.

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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Tue 15 Mar, 2022 9:53 pm

bigkev wrote:Thanks for the report Baeng, - there's a tank at the old ruins on Bon Accord - that's new.

I must of just missed you, I went through Dibbins / Derrick on Saturday morning doing a two day loop up Paling Spur and back along sections of the AAWT (report pending!) Sensational weather up there last Friday / Saturday.

Missed me by a day I reckon.
I'll have to look up the Paling Spur.
Weather was great.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby neilmny » Thu 17 Mar, 2022 8:06 am

Baeng72 wrote:Some videos of my efforts.
There were points where I'd usually video, but so many people around, that I didn't, so not as many 'how I feel' or 'look at that' moments.
I expected Fed. Hut to be crowded, but Blair's wasn't empty (lot's of tents), nor Dibbins.
Razorback was teeming.

Good weather an a long weekend will bring out a crowd.


I saw these before I saw this report (I'm a subscriber). I've got to hand it to you, it was clear you were working hard but there was no surrender. :wink:
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Thu 17 Mar, 2022 8:58 am

neilmny wrote:
Baeng72 wrote:Some videos of my efforts.
There were points where I'd usually video, but so many people around, that I didn't, so not as many 'how I feel' or 'look at that' moments.
I expected Fed. Hut to be crowded, but Blair's wasn't empty (lot's of tents), nor Dibbins.
Razorback was teeming.

Good weather an a long weekend will bring out a crowd.


I saw these before I saw this report (I'm a subscriber). I've got to hand it to you, it was clear you were working hard but there was no surrender. :wink:

I hope you enjoyed the videos.
It wasn't easy, and I was over it at times, but I got it done and that feels good.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 23 Mar, 2022 8:34 am

I enjoyed your trip report and videos. You did well and covered a lot of kms in a short time frame. It is interesting to see that there is now a water tank at the BA spur hut ruins area. I have walked up and down all the steep hilly routes in that area. Maybe lowering your pack down steep rocky sections with a rope could be a better way to go in future?.
You should try to keep in shape in between hikes. That way the bushwalking gets easier and less taxing. Cycling , swimming, walking , surfing, Nordic skiing etc. all help.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 23 Mar, 2022 9:42 am

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:I enjoyed your trip report and videos. You did well and covered a lot of kms in a short time frame. It is interesting to see that there is now a water tank at the BA spur hut ruins area. I have walked up and down all the steep hilly routes in that area. Maybe lowering your pack down steep rocky sections with a rope could be a better way to go in future?.
You should try to keep in shape in between hikes. That way the bushwalking gets easier and less taxing. Cycling , swimming, walking , surfing, Nordic skiing etc. all help.

Thanks, I out of the 46 odd hours I walked 24 (including breaks), so not fast, but you get there if you keep plodding along (and have daylight).
I had a rope, but I thought it was a shortish section I could manage by hand, so didn't use it. Not smart.
Re fitness, you're correct, but I had done Mason's falls circuit 3 times in the weeks before the hike, so not totally unprepared.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 23 Mar, 2022 1:00 pm

You can take a train to Upper Fern Tree Gully Station in the Melb. metro zone and walk up the Lyrebird track to the top of One Tree Hill as a training walk. There are more hills in the area and you can walk down to Belgrave station to finish. It is a way to keep fit and have a snooze on the train on the way home. Sherbrooke forest is still closed so you will have to find a road bash back to Belgrave station until Sherbrooke forest in the Dandenong ranges Nat. Park reopens in May 2022.
I did this walk on 20/3/22.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby Baeng72 » Wed 23 Mar, 2022 2:38 pm

paidal_chalne_vala wrote:You can take a train to Upper Fern Tree Gully Station in the Melb. metro zone and walk up the Lyrebird track to the top of One Tree Hill as a training walk. There are more hills in the area and you can walk down to Belgrave station to finish. It is a way to keep fit and have a snooze on the train on the way home. Sherbrooke forest is still closed so you will have to find a road bash back to Belgrave station until Sherbrooke forest in the Dandenong ranges Nat. Park reopens in May 2022.
I did this walk on 20/3/22.

I've done Glasgow Track straight up to Mt Dandenong a bit. But Mason's has the steep up and it's 12km, so a bit of distance and it's closer.
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby ggorgeman » Wed 23 Mar, 2022 3:01 pm

Great report, thanks Baeng for posting as it really helps set up other destinations to consider with this sort of insight :wink:
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Re: Harrietville Loop 12-14 Mar 2022

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 24 Mar, 2022 5:49 pm

I was in Harrietville recently coming from Talbotville over the Dargo High Plains and I saw the new Bungalow spur car park.
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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