I thought I would give people some time to read the draft before commenting. There is a thread on ski.com discussing the same thing so if you are keen you can catch up here.
https://www.ski.com.au/xf/threads/comme ... eas.92328/Commercial tours in the 9 declared Wilderness areas of KNP are strictly prohibited under the current management plan but it seems some companies have been running tours with permits that have been allocated by NPWS. These permits should not have been issued. Recently someone started to look closer at it and there was some public discussion. Coincidently, not long after, NPWS then sent an email to all commercial operators requesting they stop all activity in Wilderness areas. They were also told of the upcoming draft amendments that would make certain activities legal.
The proposed amendments allow for a range of activities to move into Wilderness areas and includes commercial horse and mountain bike riding tours. So you can have a horse tour of 8 people and take them up Hannels spur. The start of Hannels is very close to the Geehi horse camps already in use by commercial operators. We are now talking about 5 tonne (with horse, rider and gear) of hard hooves all in a line. Horse riding is the only activity that is currently permitted in a declared Wilderness area but it is restricted to Pinch River up to the Tin Mines/Cascades area. It is basically a road and they have to camp at the designated areas. There is no provision in the amendments to control where horses go or camp. If you have ever walked up from the Pinch you will know that Hannels is not out of the question for horses.
It seems to me NPWS has made a huge mistake by allowing a select few to operate in Wilderness areas and that mistake was discovered. Now it is all about fixing the mistake. The reasoning for this amendment is hollow. 50% of the park is available for commercial tours and people can get a suitable experience there. It goes against the NPWS definition of Wilderness areas. NPWS are risking significant damage to sensitive areas and it seems this amendment has been rushed and poorly thought through. The plan was last amended in late August so it fits that this amendment is specifically designed to fix a problem.
I find it hard to believe nobody in the permit office knew Wilderness areas of KNP were off limits to commercial activity but it could simply be incompetence. Now it looks very much like a coverup.
With regard to group numbers, some school or TAFE groups use Wilderness areas but also have to get a permit. They are allowed larger numbers. Hannels spur is restricted to 8 already. Putting restrictions of 8 onto school groups would be problematic. This amendment does not deal with independent large groups that are not commercial.