South Coast Track did the missing boot find its owner

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South Coast Track did the missing boot find its owner

Postby 2feetandaheartbeat » Sat 04 Feb, 2023 3:34 pm

Hi all,
I met a couple at the New River boat crossing, they were from Melbourne. The young lass ( her name was Macaiyla, she had a Europian accent, her partner was from Melbourne) lost a walking boot whilst walking along Prion Beach.
I think I met them on Wednesday 25th January. Anyway the next day my mate and I where walking from the east to the west when we found her missing boot complete with her sock. It had been washed away with the tide and then washed up again.

Soon after three young women (two from Canberra and one from Hobart) walking towards where we had just come from were kind enough to deliver the boot to Macaiyla.

I was wondering if any one knew if Macailyla was reunited with her walking boot. Walking the South Cape Range would have been difficult in sandals.

Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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