wildwalks website

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wildwalks website

Postby suds » Sun 19 Nov, 2023 5:24 pm

Hi all,
Over the past weeks I've noticed that certain pages on the wildwalks website sporadically become 503 Unavailable - including the homepage map and many track detail pages. However I know that bushwalk.com is also run by Matt and contains largely the same (all of the same and more?) content - is this the final call to move to bushwalk.com and stop using wildwalks.com?

Kind regards,

Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Region: New South Wales

Re: wildwalks website

Postby wildwalks » Mon 20 Nov, 2023 11:24 am

Hi Suds
Thanks for reaching out.
Yes sorry, I have had a bunch of stability issues on wildwalks.com and some parts of bushwalk.com.
Partly due to the mapping system and also the search. I have rebooted a server this morning and hopefully, that will improve things now.
Let me know if there is a specific page not working.

I have been unwell for the past three years and have not been able to walk or work much. My health is improving, just over a year ago, walking up a flight of stairs was a big undertaking, but now much easier, but my exercise tolerance is still low - mix of severe asthma and allergy stuff.
My general plan to to move from wildwalks to providing a similar (but more scalable and hopefully more server stable) service on bushwalk.com
https://bushwalk.com/search/?text=&tag% ... isplay=map
(I also have a nice app ready to start rolling on for bushwalk.com walks, hopefully start doing that soon).

Matt :)
Magnus administratio
Magnus administratio
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Re: wildwalks website

Postby suds » Mon 20 Nov, 2023 9:29 pm

Not a problem in the slightest, wildwalks seems to be good for now again, and I'll try to switch to using bushwalk.com from now.

I can relate to health knocking you off your feet (quite literally!) - only recently recovered from some major health issues myself and finally able to get back into bushwalks. Take your time and most importantly take care of yourself, the bush eagerly awaits your return!

Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun 19 Nov, 2023 5:01 pm
Region: New South Wales

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