I finished the walk yesterday, tired and a bit scratched up! A few notes:
- Started and finished at Upper Howqua. Circuit Rd and Bindaree Rd were both in very good nick (first time I drove down Bindaree Rd years ago it was pretty rough for 2WD, so I'm always a little nervous about it despite it being fine every trip since).
- My timing was poor: the area was overrun with hundreds of private school kids (Timbertop and various other schools). While they're well behaved and respectful enough, I think it's a bit problematic that there are so many up there at once. At least they don't go down to the Wonnangatta.
- Day 1 from Upper Howqua to Mt Spec via Howitt Spur was about 18km, 1300m up, 500m down. About 6.5 hours total. Hard day - I somehow always forget how much climbing and descending there is on the Crosscut! And also how far it is to go and get water from the nicer campsites on Spec! Despite all the kids I was lucky to get a spot to myself just down from the summit.
- Day 2 from Mt Spec to Wonnangatta River was 19km, 830m up, 1800m down, about 8 hours total. After going all the way down to Camp Creek for water I decided to take the longer but easier road option down to Catherine Saddle (not sure what condition the AAWT track is these days - 6 years ago it wasn't great but not too rough). Lots of trees down at Catherine Saddle - the old Wonnangatta road that I'd followed to find water another time couldn't even be seen from the campsite clearing. Some water was flowing across the road a couple of hundred metres before the saddle. Clear walking to the Razor. Parks have done a lot of work clearing fallen trees, but in the last few hundred metres to Viking Saddle there are heaps of new trees down - slow going, climbing over, under and along the top of trees, and impossible to follow the track. The Timbertop kids were on a day trip to the Viking and found water at Viking Saddle (north side, a couple of hundred metres down the gully). The climb to the Viking was as steep as ever, and very sweaty in warm and humid weather. After a visit to the summit I backtracked to the top of the climb proper to find the best route to South Viking. I followed the base of the cliff (there are a few cairns amongst the scrub that give a rough idea) around to the small saddle, then south-east to South Viking following a cairned route. The descent to the Wonnangatta was the easiest it's been on my 4 trips - there's even a clear track right at the bottom section! Getting into the river for a swim/wash was a delight. Mosquitoes were savage, but the campsite was very peaceful with nobody but me.
Day 3 from Wonnangatta to Mac Springs was 10.7km, 1050m up, 74m down, and took 5 hours (see pic). Overnight rain probably should have caused me to reconsider my planned route upriver - bushbashing is so much worse when everything is dripping wet! I crossed the river and headed upstream, picking my way along the path of least resistance, but was completely drenched within about 10 minutes. There are some great sections of track for anyone the height of a hog deer. For anyone taller, it means crouching forward and forcing a way under the vegetation, regularly getting your pack caught. Apart from being wet it wasn't that bad, with not too much blackberry and no leeches. After crossing the second gully/creek I started to climb up onto the spur that I'd walked 6 years prior. The bottom few hundred metres were really tough going and not a lot of fun. I was certainly regretting my decision at times. But it started to open up eventually and, apart from some rougher areas, wasn't too bad - there's even a track to follow at times. The coolest part of this spur is the little cliff at the top, which looks intimidating but has a really easy route to take. After that it was fairly easy walking for a while and I thought all the hard work was behind me. Alas, the last 2km or so of the Old Zeka Track were a nightmare of fallen trees. Not what I needed after a rough morning! With skies a bit stormy I slogged on to Mac Springs for late lunch and then a lazy afternoon surrounded by schoolkids. With so many kids the only flat ground available was under some dangerous looking dead branches, so I slept in the hut.

Day 4 from Mac Springs to Upper Howqua via Howitt Spur was 12km, 290m up, 960m down, 3.25 hours. Gorgeous morning to walk out.