thanks for your thoughts folks.
Things here are still shaking and (!!!!!!another aftershock just then as I wrote that!!!!!) and a lot of shaken people. Most everyone is on edge here, 200 or so after shocks and counting

(big one this morning too)
Family are well, thank you, in fact as the only one not born and bred here I'm the one least comfortable with earthquakes..
Damage around our house has been minor, our friends and staff are well and unharmed, and our office today got a green ticket from the engineer report so we can get in there and tidy up and move on with things. The staff have been amazing, I am so impressed with our people here. In fact the people of New Zealand have been incredible, really rallying together.
Went for a mtb ride with a guy from work today...we both got back in a good headspace and are looking forward to getting back into a routine again..