If you take on Folley Point, make sure that you are well covered ... there is much prickly Hakea.
The Redgrounds track from the Endrick River Road to Vines Creek and then returning along Quilty's Mountain Firetrail is some of the best fire trail walking that I know. It is single and double track and not the usual wide graded firetrails. It is easy, its very pretty, excellent water, unusual clearings and a vineforest rainforest at the Vines. Quilty's clearing has hundreds of Grasstrees. You can climb Quilty's mountain check out the Bora Ground overlooking Mount Sturgiss and exit Quilty off Binnari Pass, the NW point of Quilty. Binnari Pass requires throwing packs and a bit of jumping from stack to stack. Very speccy though. Binnari is the NW point off Quilty and you can't fail to find it.
There is another pass called Quilty's Pass that also leads back to Quilty's Mountain Fire Trail, I've not done it. The notorious Quilty brothers in 1890 blasted the northern pass with dynamite to make it easier for them to drive cattle. They must have been good days in the Budawangs, those days of big explosions. Quilty's Pass must be steep, because the cattle refused to go up it.
I've done the walk over Binnari Pass and I have also walked and ridden the fire trails on my bike several times. You could ride your bikes in and then go walking and gully scrambling. If you are walking comfortably, you can detour into Hidden Valley and climb Mount Sturgiss. The climb to Sturgiss summit is from just south of the old camping cave in the southern end of the valley. From the cave follow the path through the saddle and make your way to the top, keeping to the left. The view looking south over Style's Creek and Sallee Creek to Mounts Hoddle and Tarn is excellent and then walk along the western cliff line to Pagoda Rocks on the SW of Sturgiss. Exit Sturgiss the same way.
I normally park at the closed gate on the Endrick River Road, but others drive through the gate and make their way closer to the Endrick River before starting. The park boundary is crazy here, it is most irregular and you can be in or out of the park several times, without knowing it. Bikes are only allowed on the Redground Track, Quilty's Mountain Fire Trail and Newhaven Gap road. Everywhere else is a no go for bikes.
The Redgrounds Track below Mount Sassafras has first class scenery ... to discover.
If you do consider this walk and don't have the Budawang Sketch Map, these are the approximate locations to start the climb, to the Bora Ground and for Quilty's Pass.
Start of the climb .. 35°12' 08"S 150°12' 12"E
The Bora Ground ... 35°12' 08"S 150°13' 33"E
Quilty's Pass ........ 35°10' 27"S 150°11' 45"E