Hi All Will be visiting Tassie for 7 weeks from late January to mid March and I am planning some long day hikes, one of which is in the Cradle Mountain area.
I am planning a long day walk from the Dove Lake Car Park to Barn Bluff via Lake Rodway Track and returning along the Overland Track, probably via Wombat Pool. If I have the time (and energy) I shall summit Cradle Mountain on the way back.
I would only attempt this on a clear, fine day and plan to start at daybreak. I have completed the Cradle Mountain summit previously via Lake Rodway & Face Tracks returning via Overland Track. I have completed the South Coast Track and some off-track hiking from the mouth of Bathurst Harbour south to SW Cape Track & return to Melaleuca so am familiar with how Tassie's weather can change quickly & dramatically.
(i) I am wondering if anyone has attempted &/or completed my proposed day hike ?
(ii) Cradle Mountain would only be attempted if I had at least 4 hours daylight left & conditions were dry & clear. I found this walk/scramble relatively comfortable last time in showery, changeable weather.
(iii) May main goal is Barn Bluff. I have read conflicting reports about the difficulty of ascending Barn Bluff versus Cradle Mountain. Has anyone completed both? If so, which is the more difficult & why ?
(iv) The route I have selected allows me to assess my chances of success when I reach the intersection of the Lake Rodway & Overland Tracks. If I leave Dove Lake Car Park around 0600 I estimate that I could reach this point before 1000. I have allowed 3.5 hours for the 9 km return trip from this intersection to Barn Bluff. Allowing 1 hour returning back along the Overland Track to the base of Cradle Mountain should see me arrive here at around 1430. This would allow 4 hours to ascend Cradle Mountain and return to Dove Lake Car Park by 1830.
(v) Around what time is sunset at that time of the year in Tassie ?
Any comments, words of wisdom/experience would be appreciated. I am receptive to criticism and would only attempt the walk (or part thereof) if I felt I could complete it safely and comfortably in daylight hours.
Have a great day & happy & safe walking