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Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 1:58 pm

I'm planning a trip to do the Trail, while I'm down in Melbourne for an industry conference. I need some help with basic local knowledge and answers to those questions that seem strange.

Questions might be a bit haphazard, please bear with me.

Trip is planned for late august.

I'll be travelling solo.

Rough itinerary: Fly to Melbourne, ride from airport to cbd, central hostel for 3 days during conference, Spirit of Tasmania to Devonport, ride to Dover (stopping at key areas to have my brevet card stamped), ride back up to Coningham to stay with a mate, then back to Hobart to catch the bird home.

Kit: 26" mtb towing my BOB trailer.

Okay here goes.

Do I need to use a good tent, or will a cheap one do? I've seen a really good at Aldi on special for $29.00.

:D alright, that was just a warm up, don't answer that one :D

What weather conditions are to be expected at that time of year, in the regions I'm going through?

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:01 pm

Umm which "trail" are you doing??

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:12 pm

Is it The Tasmanian Trail?

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:15 pm

sounds like this one ..


re. your question ... weather conditions late August

expect and be prepared for all 4 seasons in 1 day ... seriously!

going through the center (Sections 2 + 3) you could encounter gale-force winds, sleet, overnite snowfall maybe up to 10cm deep ... hopefully you won't, but it could happen

don't be put off by this, just be prepared ... it could also turn out most pleasant / balmy / just gorgeous
Last edited by DonQx on Tue 24 May, 2011 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:15 pm

Ahhh well that'd make sense!!

August? Guarantee of rain. Anything from -5 to 15 degrees.
Besides that you could get anything!!

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:19 pm

I haven't done any MTB touring (yet) but I'm guessing this one:

Looks like a solid trip, should be fun. I've visited Tassie in August for bushwalking purposes and it can get very cold.
Personally I'd be using a decent tent. I'm assuming at least some campsites will be in highland areas and snow/strong wind is not uncommon.

Might be some useful info here:

Just curious, what make/model MTB?

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 24 May, 2011 2:43 pm

My bad, yes Tasmanian Trail as mentioned.

Thanks for the LK confirmation about weather, I was going to base my kit on worst scenario, my guesstimate -10, medium rain for a day or few, moderate winds. 4 seasons in 1 day you beauty. As you said DonQx, just be prepared.

I've got some experience with moderate snowfall, ridden in ice/snow/mud, spent a night or two over the years in sub-zero, plenty of riding in the rain both day and night, but NEVER combined all of these together in the one trip. Combined a few here and there - winter in Chicago and Arizona last year was invaluable. Therein lies the challenge, to plan, coordinate, add contingencies/disaster mitigation, provision, logisterise and shelterise (are they even real words? :? :) ) myself. Having fun will naturally happen, whatever the situation.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 11:09 am

I last rode all of the different sections of the Tasmanian Trail (for the second time) in late 2010 (broken down into weekend trips), and have a GPS /KML (google earth) of the route if you want it, also happy to provide any advice you want on times, campsites etc, and there's lots of pics and ride notes on my blog (which I won't put the address on in this post, but should be easy enough to find if you search for Tassie Rambler blog and then just scroll down and you'll see a section on the left specifically on the Tasmanian Trail rides I did - I put this together for another MTB forum).

Weather wise, your hardest section is likely to be over the Central Highlands, which is high altitude and where there's a good chance of hitting freezing winds and snow in late August (or it could be sunny and sweltering). If you're prepared to fork out a few dollars for accomodation there are places you could book into going over this section (or at least be aware of) to avoid camping in the snow.

Also don't underestimate the trail - distances of 50-70kms are more reasonable for a fully loaded cyclist as you can spend an awful lot of time wondering if you're on the route as signage is poor (which is why I put the GPS track together), also getting turned back by a flooded river would be a major risk if riding in August.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 12:30 pm

Apologies if this comes through twice, but just submitted post and it then disappeared.

I last rode the Tas Trail in late 2010 (broken over a number of weekends) and am happy to share the GPS route if that helps (it's very, very easy to spend a lot of time out there trying to figure out which way to go if you don't have a GPS route) and you can also go find my blog which has a reference to all of the different sections if you want a bit of a feel for the trail (just google TassieRambler blog then look for the Tasmanian Trail index on the left hand side of the screen).

The main challenge in August is likely to be the section up over the Central Plateau which is at a higher altitude and very exposed, so if you get snow and a wind it can be bitterly cold, but also don't underestimate the difficulty you will have in crossing rivers such as Broad River and another one up North I can't think of right now. Whilst there are alternative routes around these sections, they can lead to a lot of backtracking and/or you'll miss out on some of the best off road cycling which is probably what you are doing it for.

Happy to answer any questions about campsites, daily distances, etc.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 1:45 pm

Areas that the trail runs through - what are the locals like in these areas - ie am I to expect visits from intoxicated youths or axe wielding psychopaths during the nights or on the trail during the day?

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 1:52 pm

Mate you've obviously spent too much time on the mainland.... :roll:

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 1:54 pm

For local conditions, check out this documentary: :D :D :D.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 2:11 pm

Marwood!! If you've scared him off coming now and mamma doesnt get her feed we wont be happy!!

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 2:35 pm

Area54 wrote:axe wielding psychopaths during the nights or on the trail during the day?

as you get into the deep south i'd be a bit more concerned :lol: .. :lol: ....(< we just laugh at our own funniness up here in the sunny north..)
You should be fine in August(?) most sane people should be indoors, i might see you out there somewhere though :lol:

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 6:13 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Mate you've obviously spent too much time on the mainland.... :roll:

Haha, yep, but a few riding trips to the US with a retired special forces buddy makes me think of every scenario.

MACE. check
Tazer. check
Sawnoff or concealable glock. hmm, shortlist them for the moment. (not kidding, these very items are part of one guys solo riding kit for western NSW and central QLD trips) :shock:

Okay, back on track. Hmm, the central highlands does sound like a challenging area. Late August is my best window, so the weather will be what it is I guess.

Thanks Rambler for your post, will research your blog. I am yet to buy the guidebook for the trail (not fussed on the digital version, I like books for the adventure they take you on, plus for the memories they rekindle) that will also help with planning.

I consider myself in pretty good shape, at the point where I can ride 500-600km a week sustainably over the year, 300km in single days for Audax. BUT, these are in QLD conditions with a nice warm bed to sleep in. Add to the mix the aforementioned 4 seasons in one day, the goal shifts significantly.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 26 May, 2011 6:20 pm

Wow you are serious....
Makes me so happy I live in Australia, and even more so here in Tassie.

You will be fine!! May be a few rednecks out shooting roos or something, but I'd be very surprised if anyone gives you any trouble. Down my way (Huonville and past) your biggest concern will be staying far enough off the road to miss getting hit by the log trucks.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Fri 27 May, 2011 2:45 pm

Marwood wrote:For local conditions, check out this documentary: :D :D :D.

:shock: Close knit family.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 31 May, 2011 7:56 pm

I'll have a few electronic devices with me (USB rechargable, Garmin 800 and HTC Desire), some won't last the entire trip without a recharge. I've got my eye on a few solar recharging options (brunton), but my question is this - would they be effective enough during an August trip with poor weather? QLD sun not too bad during winter, but how is the strength at lower latitudes late winter?

My other option is a lithium storage device.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Mon 06 Jun, 2011 9:23 am

Area54 wrote:MACE. check
Tazer. check
Sawnoff or concealable glock. hmm, shortlist them for the moment. (not kidding, these very items are part of one guys solo riding kit for western NSW and central QLD trips)

:shock: Wow. Sounds like a fun guy! I'll just keep to the little island of Tassie thank you very much :P

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Tue 21 Jun, 2011 9:09 pm

Does anyone have a (reasonably accurate) GPS plot of this trail? - or know where one can be found? It sounds like anyone travelling it will need it.

Cheers - and happy trails to you all.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 30 Jun, 2011 9:11 am

twohoots wrote:Does anyone have a (reasonably accurate) GPS plot of this trail? - or know where one can be found? It sounds like anyone travelling it will need it.

Cheers - and happy trails to you all.

I do - PM me and I'll send it to you, but do the right thing and buy the guide as well to support the trail.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Sat 30 Jul, 2011 9:57 am

johnw wrote:I haven't done any MTB touring (yet) but I'm guessing this one:

Looks like a solid trip, should be fun. I've visited Tassie in August for bushwalking purposes and it can get very cold.
Personally I'd be using a decent tent. I'm assuming at least some campsites will be in highland areas and snow/strong wind is not uncommon.

Might be some useful info here:

Just curious, what make/model MTB?

I've built up a custom 29er - Salsa Fargo ti - hand made USA titanium frame and cromo fork, basically a drop bar long haul mtb. I can swap out the fork for a suspension model, or even oversized if I want to run a wide snow/sand tyre similar to a Pugsly. I've got a frame bag coming from Revelate designs in Alaska (best frame bags in the world), XT/Sora 8spd mtb drivetrain, bit of Chris King, small block 8 tyres, Topeak drybag panniers and barbag, zefal fenders. The fork has mounts to take a custom Salsa anything rack, this will stow the bedding and tent.

Due to this build and funding shortfalls, I'll now postpone this trip to 2012, will do a ride along the Great Ocean Road and spend a few days deep in the Otways. I have an opportunity to go to either Bloomington, Minnesota in January or Atlanta, Georgia in February for work, smack in the middle of winter. Invaluable snow riding experience for day!

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Mon 01 Aug, 2011 2:19 pm

Area54 wrote:I've built up a custom 29er - Salsa Fargo ti...

wide snow/sand tyre similar to a Pugsly...

I have an opportunity to go to either Bloomington, Minnesota in January or Atlanta, Georgia in February for work, smack in the middle of winter. Invaluable snow riding experience for day!

Sounds like a well thought out unit. From my limited understanding I believe 29ers roll better over obstacles, so suspension is seen as unecessary? (As a relative newby I recently upgraded from a cheap hardtail to a Giant Trance X2 and love the ride on the dually - but might not be too good with heavy loads?)

I've seen photos of those pugslys and their fat tyres...incredible!

Great opportunity if you can combine work with some fun :). Until now I didn't realise there was such a thing as Iditabike (I only knew about the dog sled race).

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Wed 03 Aug, 2011 10:15 am

Dear Area 54.

I've had correspondence with a guy from Canada who rode the trail last summer ... he was not happy. Unhappy for many reasons.

If you would like? ... I'm happy to send you all the issues or pick the eyes out of them and post them here. His main gripe was that the track was overgrown, the markers missing, the guide books frequently incorrect, most of the trail was through logged state forests and a multitude of reasons measuring in their dozens (no joke).

If I posted his track reports here ... most long distance tourers would seriously consider not doing the track.

What would you like to read, everything? I got a hammering too for trying to defend the trail? I gave reasons like, it isn't meant to be a buff single track like you are used to. It's was overgrown because the state foresters who maintain much of the trail were required for more urgent fire fighting duties during summer, than trail clearing. No frequently blazed markers? because they had been stolen, an on-going problem for the trail., etc, etc etc. Recently there has been a concerted effort to re-blaze the trail.

The backbone of this trail, are the the Section Coordinators and the Horse Riders. Although the majority of tourers nowadays are mountain bikers. Have a chat to Joan Becker Forestry Tasmania Mersey Office, Helen Gay Clifton Horse Riding Club, Kathy Aitkens Valley Horse Riders, John and Beth Robb, Peter Ferry and John Felton (Executive Officers), John Shoobridge on the Central Plateau (John is the landholder's representative) and Chris Boden. Most of their numbers will be on the Tassy Trail site or in the guides. Google the horse riding Clubs that I mentioned, because they do a lot of trail work and have been with the trail right from its planning and early development.

Simon Cubit, author and historian, has a phenomenal understanding of the trail. Simon is a long term supporter of the trail and was with State Forests for many years. I'm sure someone will know how to contact him. Joan Becker might know.

At one stage, it was hoped that the Tassy Trail would become part of the Bicentennial National Trail. Both trails were originally planned by horse riders, something that I mention to all riders who make enquiries about riding the BNT. But unlike the BNT the Tassy Trail doesn't have alternate cycle routes for those who don't want to take on the main trail.


Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Wed 03 Aug, 2011 9:03 pm

Thanks Warren. I was going to ride the trail as an Audax Raid. There is a cutoff time for distances and checkpoints etc as part of Audax rules, so unresearched backtracking was going to suck up time from my itinerary. After reading some reports, I felt it prudent to wait another year to furthur monitor weather and research trail route details etc (2 months just not enough with a busy training schedule, homelife and work)

The PDF book of the trail was going to be my guide - being much easier to update info via emails than re-publish a book.

That's the thing - everyones experience will differ depending on their persepctive and expectations. I think some areas will be quite depressing - recently logged coupes or endless MCC don't appeal to me.

Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 04 Aug, 2011 3:24 am

Area 54.

I presume most of the chap's problems were because he was using various editions of the guide books. If an update is missed and not included in the track notes even the smallest amendment can unravel on the trail very quickly.

Good luck and Cheers.


Re: Tasmanian trail planning

Thu 04 Aug, 2011 1:39 pm

@TassieRambler: I am keen on actually running / walking this track in the next couple of years when I come home to live again. Are you able to send me through the GPS file that you have as well, I would love to get a more accurate map other than what's on the website?
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