Overland track conditions

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Overland track conditions

Postby nico123 » Sat 11 Jun, 2011 3:01 pm

Hi there,

first of all, great forum, lot of nice pictures!

I was planning to do the overland track at the end of the month, but after calling the Cradle Mt information center, I might have to change my plan. I got told that there is chest high snow on the track. Anyone has been around recently and can confirm this information?

Thank you,

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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby shazcol » Sat 11 Jun, 2011 7:40 pm

Hi Nico123,
Yes those are the conditions at present we have just cancelled our Overland trip as well unfortunately. I rang the ranger at Lake St Claire yesterday to ask about snow and he said it was thigh deep on the rangers so basically hip to waist high on me so there was no way I was prepared to do that on my first ever trip. It's hard to know if the snow will still be there in a couple of weeks maybe ring again closer to the time.

If common sense is so common, why don't you see more of it?
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby nico123 » Sun 12 Jun, 2011 1:07 pm

Thank you Sharon.

I guess I will find another hike to do for now. I was not expecting to have to cancel a hike in Australia because of snow :?
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby kozevian » Mon 20 Jun, 2011 10:07 pm

Thinking sometime in July will be a free gap in work for me to adventure on this long-awaited trek.

I'm going to pester the ranger leading up to the first or second week of July, checking and hoping that there will be not too much snow that it makes the path impassable. Blast you Gandalf.

If it falls through, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for treks I could journey on for 5+ days.

A few have suggested the Walls, but would the snow cover be just as heavy there, considering altitudes and vicinity?

I have been thinking of the North West, Tarkine-ish area. Anyone one pitch in a few ideas?
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 21 Jun, 2011 7:26 am

Wouldnt be much if any snow along the South Coast, you could do some or all the South Coast track, though in 5 days you might be pushing it.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Tue 21 Jun, 2011 5:24 pm

There's really not much up on the plateau at all except for a few big drifts here and there. It started to snow this morning and is will probably snow all night but finish tomorrow morning. I wouldn't let it stop you from doing the track. Remember, snow doesn't last a long time usually up here. Last fortnight was a little different because the big dump was followed by five days of minus temperatures overnight. It really froze up! Great conditions for walking. It has been raining for like 4 days non stop so I doubt much would be left at all. Going to Waterfall Valley tomorrow so I'll try and take some pics for those interested in conditions (if I remember).
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Sat 25 Jun, 2011 12:14 am

I didn't take any photo's but for anyone interested, there is nothing at all to slow you down on the Overland track. I do not think there will be any significant snow falls in the next 7 days. Go for it!
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sat 25 Jun, 2011 10:36 am

Im quite surprised about that. There's still a fair ammount of snow down in the Sw. Mt Field has a very decent layer right down to Lake Dobson. It's also right down to the Adamsons peak Plateau which is around 900m
Nothing to see here.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby MichaelP » Sat 25 Jun, 2011 10:55 am

Hopefully it's got the perfect amount of snow (enough to need to put on the snowshoes and make it a real winter experience but not too much to make it impassable) in mid/late July!
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby dx_bne » Wed 29 Jun, 2011 2:38 pm

My 14yo son & I completed the track (north to south) from 18th June till the 25th. we had a great time & had the track & the huts to ourselves except the last day. There was a lot of snow to wade thru & the snow shoes we took came in handy. There were a lot of trees down over the track and finding the actual track it in the snow was a bit tough some days.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby cjhfield » Wed 29 Jun, 2011 10:05 pm

I will run it past my 14 yo and see what he says.

Well done.

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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby cixelsyd » Fri 01 Jul, 2011 3:24 pm

dx_bne wrote:My 14yo son & I completed the track (north to south) from 18th June till the 25th. we had a great time & had the track & the huts to ourselves except the last day. There was a lot of snow to wade thru & the snow shoes we took came in handy. There were a lot of trees down over the track and finding the actual track it in the snow was a bit tough some days.

Great pic, would love to see more.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 3:04 pm

It's going to be hardcore out there for a while. Seriously snowing at Cradle today and it will continue for a few days. Bring your snow shoes!
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Nuts » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 3:15 pm

Woohoo, you must be loving it (well, once the skys clear anyhow). Thanks for posting updates here, your probably the most reliable source.
Do you drive in most days Joel, ive often thought a few specific driving tips would be great for those heading up there...
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby cixelsyd » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 8:25 pm

Pics would be nice. Even if its just of the Cradle Mt Lodge.

I'm planning my next trek now.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 9:48 pm

Hey Nuts, I don't actually commute, I have accommodation next to the Lodge but I spend most days when it's snowing towing 2wd out of ditches and bringing guests up from Moina.
My main tip for driving in a 2wd is not to panic. If you are wheel spinning up hills, don't keep trying and trying until you block the road or go into a ditch/. Just pull over and wait for a plow then follow it. Also if you are coming up in a 2wd check the police website for closures first and don't come up early morning. Often the plow isn't going until 11 or 12 or sometimes later.

But mainly it is better to pull over and wait once you start having problems, than to keep pushing it until you spin/slide off the road.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Tue 05 Jul, 2011 9:54 pm

Hey dyslexic, I'll try to take photos tomorrow. This probably is ridiculous considering where I live but I don't actually own a camera. Mine is somewhere on top on Barn Bluff.
But I can use the lodge's camera if I ask.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby geosynergy2000 » Sat 09 Jul, 2011 10:51 pm

Hi all,

We recently attempted the Overland track, starting at Ronny Creek on Thursday 7th July. Our original trip intention was to head to Scott Kilvert hut, then to Waterfall Vally and on to a finish at Lake St Clair.

Track conditions were very difficult, right from the Thursday. Even with snowshoes, we were having to wade through snow up to waist deep in places. Sections of the track to Scott Kilvert hut were covered by snow laden trees and required us to crawl though. Finding the track and track markers were difficult, and we had a very late arrival at Scott Kilvert hut

The following day we attempted to reach Waterfall Valley hut, however roughly half way from Scott Kilvert hut we encountered even thicker snow, and then reached an exposed ridge line with slick ice. Without ice axes and crampons it was impossible to traverse this ice, not was is safe given we'd be exposed to the wind chill for over 2 hrs on the Cradle Plateau.

Although our group was carrying snowshoes, alpine tents, Gortex jackets, pants, and all saftey equipment, we made the decision to turn back to Scott Kilvert hut. The following day (yesterday) we walked out to Dove Lake Carpark - a walk which itself was very difficult given the current level of snow (even deeper than on the way in). We met a walker at Scott Kilvert hut who had attempted to get from Waterfall Valley hut to Windermere, however had turned back half way after encountering hip deep snow.

My advice is to reconsider walking the Overland track in current conditions. Even experienced walkers will find the current snow/ice slurry conditions very challenging. Even with an EPIRB, i very much doubt you'd have a chopper looking for you until such time as conditions eased up safe flight was possible.

Rangers at Cradle Mountain Visitors Centre told us this year has seen some pretty large snow dumps, as compared to other years.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Sun 10 Jul, 2011 4:23 pm

A group came off the track today walking south to north and I picked them up and gave them a lift to the V.C They had a great time and said it was the best trip they had ever done (6th trip for one of the group). It's seriously hardcore weather up there. You need to really know what you are doing and be prepared to suffer a little I reckon. Another group set off today without tents or snow shoes. I did try to talk to them about it but they weren't very nice and obviously did not want to hear any advice. I figured I'd let Darwin do his thing.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby gayet » Sun 10 Jul, 2011 4:39 pm

Lets hope they reach some shelter somewhere. But, a fool born every minute.....
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby cixelsyd » Sun 10 Jul, 2011 7:33 pm

Joel wrote:A group came off the track today walking south to north and I picked them up and gave them a lift to the V.C They had a great time and said it was the best trip they had ever done (6th trip for one of the group). It's seriously hardcore weather up there. You need to really know what you are doing and be prepared to suffer a little I reckon. Another group set off today without tents or snow shoes. I did try to talk to them about it but they weren't very nice and obviously did not want to hear any advice. I figured I'd let Darwin do his thing.

wow, I'm speechless. That is insane.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Mon 11 Jul, 2011 10:37 pm

You'd have to be seriously hardcore to do the track at the moment as an update.
I can't believe the weather at cradle over the past week and we will get more snow probably over the next two days. It's not really that deep at 800m anymore but it is crazy deep above 1000m. well crazy deep for tassie.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby icefest » Tue 12 Jul, 2011 6:07 pm

I would have done it in these conditions but my companion only had yowies and had not enough grip on the ice. A GPS with 50k topo, snow tent, good & large snowshoes or yowies and crampons, ski poles, PLB and warm clothes are needed though. Like northern hemisphere winter hiking...
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby north-north-west » Wed 13 Jul, 2011 6:55 pm

Oh, to be in Tassie right now. New snowshoes have arrived and are great in powder. Might have to pick up an ice axe though, from the sound of it . . .
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby bailz66 » Sun 17 Jul, 2011 11:43 am

Anyone know how the track is looking now?

I have a friend going over on Wednesday who would be interested in some up to date conditions
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Joel » Sun 17 Jul, 2011 1:42 pm

It depends on how hardcore your friend is I guess. We've had a couple of groups turn back over the past two days, but others have made it through and had a great time. I have not been past the Kitchen Hut, but it's really good walking on the plateau without snow shoes. It might be a bit sloshy by Wednesday though as it is raining lightly and currnetly 6.3 degrees at 800m asl.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby donktec » Tue 19 Jul, 2011 5:04 am

Some friends and i were at Scott-Kilvert hut last weekend. There were two young guys there when we arrived (on the Thursday) who had tried to get to Waterfall Valley that day. Despite having snow-shoes and being pretty well equipped, they were turned back by ice and the strength of the winds on the plateau. Without crampons it was too difficult and too dangerous to make it across the ice.

On the Sunday we walked up from the hut and there was plenty of fresh powder snow around, it was magic. Just above the tree line we started to feel the wind. Above the fresh snow, the wind had scoured the ridge turning it into a sheet of ice. To even get to the cairn we had to cut steps with ice-axes. Would not have wanted to try getting over to WV with full packs, could probably do it with crampons, but not fun in those conditions, the wind would still knock you down.

So what are the conditions on the Overland Track? Couldn't tell you, too hard to get there! Guessing snow, ice, wind, great scenery, Tassie in its' Winter finest.

ps: thanks to the 2 Rangers that picked us up from the bush shelter at Dove Lake - i would have walked to the Lodge rather than camp in the shelter, but was very happy to get a lift :)

pps: any news on the group that set off with no tents, snow-shoes or waterproofs? Sounded mad that they would ignore advice and set out anyway.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby icefest » Thu 21 Jul, 2011 11:09 pm

I'm one of 'the two guys'
I found that only one pair of snowshoes had grip on ice. What annoyed me though is that I left my microspikes at home, with them and the snowshoes the walk would have been possible.
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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby Nuts » Fri 22 Jul, 2011 10:31 am

Yer it can ice over pretty well up there. We normally take the yowies and swap for spikes when/if it gets too patchy. Did you have trouble with yowie grip?

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Re: Overland track conditions

Postby icefest » Fri 22 Jul, 2011 12:36 pm

trouble with yowie grip

How did you know?
The MSR lightnings were wonderful, while walking the face track on the sharp zigzag on the east end, the snow was as high as the hand rail on the steps and it was still an easy walk (even though it was icy at times and also a 60° slope).
My friend and the yowies had problems. Same story on the flat ice.
Yowies seemed to be better when walking downhill though. I was 'skiing' some downhill sections.
If you import the MSR's from the US they cost about the same anyway.
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