wildwanderer wrote:Applying for the announced government assistance is a complete shambles. Its literally impossible unless a person has already interacted with Centrelink and has a customer number. Which most of the newly unemployed won’t have.
Despite the gov claims you can apply online or over the phone. You can’t.
Applying and everything else including linking to mygov requires a Centrelink customer reference number which needs a ID check to receive. ID checks can only be done in person or over the phone. The phones are either engaged or you connect for 5 mins, go through voice prompts and then get a automated message saying they are busy and to call back later and then the phone disconnects. So, it’s impossible to sign up and do a ID check via the phone system.
Or you can go and line up around the block at Centrelink for hours, likely catch coronavirus for your troubles and then go home and spread it to the family.
The red tape needs to go. There are commercial and government online systems available for ID checks. After passing the check the customer reference number needs to be automatically processed and given to the applicant.
The governments need to implement these for Centrelink and Services Australia asap or thousands of families are literally going to run out of money. Social disorder plus a epidemic will not be pretty.
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