flint and steel to resolute beach rockhopping

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flint and steel to resolute beach rockhopping

Postby wombeyan » Tue 12 Feb, 2013 11:48 pm

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to rock hop all the way from flint and steel beach around West Head to West Head Beach at low tide. Additionally is the old railway line just to the west of West Head still negotiable and can it be identified at sea level on the rocks?
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: flint and steel to resolute beach rockhopping

Postby Wollemi » Wed 13 Feb, 2013 8:47 am

Take a look at this; http://www.chockstone.org/Forum/Forum.a ... Replies=12
The posts from9/2012 show photos.

No - you can't see the rail/ropeway from the waters edge; easy to find from the level of the bunkers. Though, I think the area is still an unofficial track.
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Re: flint and steel to resolute beach rockhopping

Postby Bushwalker99 » Wed 13 Feb, 2013 5:03 pm

No problem to do this walk at low tide. Good swimming spot and picnic spot at Flannel Flower beach. You need good rock hopping skills but it is well worth the effort
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: flint and steel to resolute beach rockhopping

Postby wombeyan » Mon 18 Feb, 2013 4:30 pm

I have had a good look at the rocks from Flint and Steel to West Head Beach and it's fine at low tide in calm weather but if there is any more than a slight ocean swell and the tide is not dead low it would be difficult to access Flannel Flour Beach from the west (pinch is just near that beach) which means that the route from Flint and Steel to West Head Beach is then not viable. Also, the old tramway up to West Head Road from the rocks near the gun emplacements has a fairly new rope almost all the way up but don't attempt it without good gripping boots and strong arms as there is nothing to hang onto if you slip and the grade is constant at close to 1 to 1 (45 degrees). In fact its a bit scary.
As an alternative has anyone walked to Hungry Beach from the end of the Challenger Track via Little Pittwater?. There is a track from Hungry Beach to Flint and Steel.
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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