justacouch wrote:Hi David
You could check out the area around Oldfields Hut, Mt Bimberi and possibly Mt Gingerra. From memory the maps are Rendezvous Creek and Corin Dam.
Thanks, I'll see if I can track them down.
Out of interest, how much do you charge for permission to reproduce your posts? My advice in this post is free, but if charging for copies is lucrative maybe I could fund one of those new HMG straight sided tarps....
It came from this:
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4934I ran into a bunch of ill-prepared people who subsequently were the subject of a search. Much of the post was lifted by the Sydney Morning Herald and published. I probably wouldn't have minded if I had not made some rather negative comments about the people involved, which were reproduced in the paper.

So I edited the original post to criticise the paper, and added the copyright signature. I do not know what legal standing it has, as there is a "fair use" provision in the copyright laws as later postings point out.
Some time later, I added the original post back in again at the end of the thread.
This post is copyright by davidmorr. Permission to reproduce elsewhere may be granted on application. Please PM me for details.