Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

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Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

Postby tom_brennan » Sun 25 Oct, 2015 9:04 pm

Rachel and I were doing a clean up on Mt Solitary earlier today, and we found the items in the picture below around a still burning campfire. 2 tents, a chair and a metal pot (out of picture).

Because there was still a chance that someone was going to come back for them, we decided to leave them, though they did look like they had been abandoned. (We also had 5 bags of rubbish, so not much room! We did take the cups). If anyone is going out to Mt Solitary anytime soon and sees the items still there, if you're feeling strong, perhaps you can haul them off the mountain.
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

Postby Lindsay » Mon 26 Oct, 2015 11:31 am

Seems very strange to abandon all your gear like that. But someone who would leave a fire burning can't be that smart to begin with.
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Re: Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

Postby tom_brennan » Mon 26 Oct, 2015 8:24 pm

You might be wondering why we concluded it was abandoned.

Initially when we came across the site it was around 11:45am. With the chair set-up, the stack of cups, and 2 tents plus a big pot dangling from the trees, it looked like someone may have gone for a walk. We tried to do something with the fire since it was smoking. As we dug into it we found a treasure trove of cans, partially melted marshmallows and 4 fresh tomatoes! It appeared it was probably whatever was left from dinner the night before.
Way to clean up your fire...

Nearby we also discovered the morning ablutions - excrement and copious amounts of toilet paper.

Whoever had camped here needed to learn about 'how to camp properly' (WARNING! Don't view over breakfast/dinner)
Some of the unpleasantness at Chinamans Gully
20151025130913_s120_10354.jpg (303.22 KiB) Viewed 3984 times

We then headed to Chinamans Gully for some more rubbish collection (and excrement encounters). When we returned to the site at 2:30pm there was no sign of anyone's return, and given the other behaviour in evidence we though it likely the gear had just been abandoned. But we did have a small amount of hope that someone would be returning for the gear - which in part was why we only took the cups - they weren't going significantly compromise anyone's safety if they were relying on them being there, and if left they were more likely to become litter from strong winds etc.
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Re: Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

Postby ribuck » Tue 27 Oct, 2015 12:49 am

I think someone will be back for the gear. People who are abandoning tents don't tend to pack them up so neatly in their stuff-sacks.

But ... two small tents and EIGHT cups? The maths just doesn't work.
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Re: Abandoned gear on Mt Solitary

Postby Kainas » Tue 27 Oct, 2015 5:15 pm

I am finding this intriguing.
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