You might be wondering why we concluded it was abandoned.
Initially when we came across the site it was around 11:45am. With the chair set-up, the stack of cups, and 2 tents plus a big pot dangling from the trees, it looked like someone may have gone for a walk. We tried to do something with the fire since it was smoking. As we dug into it we found a treasure trove of cans, partially melted marshmallows and 4 fresh tomatoes! It appeared it was probably whatever was left from dinner the night before.
- Way to clean up your fire...
Nearby we also discovered the morning ablutions - excrement and copious amounts of toilet paper.
Whoever had camped here needed to learn about 'how to camp properly' (WARNING! Don't view over breakfast/dinner)
- Some of the unpleasantness at Chinamans Gully
- 20151025130913_s120_10354.jpg (303.22 KiB) Viewed 3965 times
We then headed to Chinamans Gully for some more rubbish collection (and excrement encounters). When we returned to the site at 2:30pm there was no sign of anyone's return, and given the other behaviour in evidence we though it likely the gear had just been abandoned. But we did have a small amount of hope that someone would be returning for the gear - which in part was why we only took the cups - they weren't going significantly compromise anyone's safety if they were relying on them being there, and if left they were more likely to become litter from strong winds etc.