Huts or Tents?

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Huts or Tents?

Always a tent - rain, hail or snow.
Bad weather and I'm in the hut
I'd sleep in the huts if they were nice and comfy like the ones on the Overland Track
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Huts or Tents?

Postby Earwig » Thu 11 Nov, 2010 10:15 am

On my various hiking trips, I seldom use the many huts scattered around the place, unless the weather is rubbish or maybe when ski-touring. Even nice huts, like Federation. Last time I was there, the hut was empty and surrounded by a dozen or so tents so I figured no-one else uses them much either. Hiking the Overland Track years ago, we avoided the huts as well to escape the crowds. I was wondering what other people thought.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby Singe » Thu 11 Nov, 2010 11:47 am

None of the above!

I'll use (though not necessarily sleep in) just about any hut, no matter how decrepit, provided I have it to myself or sharing with a few other bushie types - but always tent it when huts are busy or occupied by less like-minded folk.

The Overland huts are more like backpacker hostels in summer. Some bastige had a frikkin radio at New Pelion last time I was there - the GLW and walking mate endured the drunken, shouting, card-playing, snoring rabble - then called me weird for sleeping in the tent :roll: :lol:
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Thu 11 Nov, 2010 12:27 pm

Tents. Always a tent. I had my first overland huts experience recently, they are cold, loud, and dirty.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby CenVicCharlie » Thu 11 Nov, 2010 8:29 pm

None of the above a tarp and bivy for me.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby north-north-west » Mon 15 Nov, 2010 6:30 pm

There are a few huts I like - Petersens and High Camp in Tassie - but mostly it's a matter of using them if they're not crowded and sleeping in the tent. Unless it's really pelting down and I want an early start the next day, in which case I can wimp out in world record time.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby Thewaz » Tue 04 Oct, 2011 8:40 pm

I will sleep in a hut if I really have to but am not that keen on the big *&%$#! rats that come out when its quiet.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby Tofu_Imprint » Wed 05 Oct, 2011 10:52 pm

I always carry the tent, even recently in NZ (people thought I was weird with so many huts around), you never know what can happen.
I'll use a hut if I have wet gear and want to dry it (if there's a fire). But I prefer to escape the crowds, which is why I hike in the worst weather :)
It's another case of each to their own I suppose.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby hikingoz » Thu 06 Oct, 2011 11:16 pm

I sleep in huts in NSW Alps nine times out of ten. They are frequently empty aside from the local rodents. I usually take the time to dry off, sort my gear out and get comfortable, light a fire and reflect on what it might have been like before modern infrastructure. There are quite a few old and charming huts in the alpine country which I find more appealing than the the Ski Lodge or Bushwalker modern equivelent.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby MartyGwynne » Fri 07 Oct, 2011 1:58 am

I always carry the tent and normally stay in the ten but on the odd occasion I have slept in a hut it is usually empty except for a few like minded people or I have walked in poor weather and a hut is usable and nearby. they have so much more character than the tent.
But I guess overall the tent is clean, less smelly (mostly), warmer, mine and shared only by a good friend.
So then the tent rules in my point of view.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby andrewbish » Fri 07 Oct, 2011 2:47 pm

abceight wrote:I sleep in huts in NSW Alps nine times out of ten. They are frequently empty aside from the local rodents.

We call them bogans in Victoria
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby hikingoz » Fri 07 Oct, 2011 4:36 pm

andrewbish wrote:
abceight wrote:I sleep in huts in NSW Alps nine times out of ten. They are frequently empty aside from the local rodents.

We call them bogans in Victoria

Me, the hut or the rodents? :roll:
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby andrewbish » Fri 07 Oct, 2011 4:50 pm

Well I was referring to the rodents...but as they say, "if the cap fits.." :)
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby JohnM » Sat 08 Oct, 2011 3:56 pm

Permanent structures don't appeal to me all that much in the bush; would much prefer the tent as it feels more like I'm getting away from it all.

Last time I slept in one was Fed hut a few years ago. Was filthy weather and late in the day when we got in, so wimped out. Was nice to have a bit of a fire and not have to worry about packing up wet stuff next morning, but those wooden sleeping platforms were *&%$#! unforgiving, the Prolite just wasn't up to it and I had a bad nights sleep. Would've been ok with something like a Synmat though.

But I DO like the history and charm of the high country huts. And those with dunnies nearby are great: a proper sit-down No.2 beats squatting over a hole any day.

(MUMC is my favourite hut; gotta love a geodesic dome)
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby madmacca » Fri 14 Oct, 2011 11:57 pm

In some respects, I like using the huts - they are a great reminder of the history of the high country.

However, the rodent factor is definitely one to consider. Allegedly the ones at White's River have a taste for GoreTex. :)

I will use them if I am late arriving into a campsite, or want to dry out some gear, but in general will camp outside.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby CaptainC » Wed 19 Oct, 2011 8:17 pm

Huts may be OK to camp in during really bad weather. Otherwise the 2 things that I have against them are the rodents, very hard to keep them out of your food (or hair) and the risk of losing gear. A typical scenario is that you have your billy grips on a bench. Someone else has the exact same type of billy grips. They see yours, assume that they are their's, use them and put them in their pack. When they get home they realise that they have 2 billy grips.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby Tofu_Imprint » Wed 19 Oct, 2011 8:42 pm

CaptainC wrote:Huts may be OK to camp in during really bad weather. Otherwise the 2 things that I have against them are the rodents, very hard to keep them out of your food (or hair) and the risk of losing gear. A typical scenario is that you have your billy grips on a bench. Someone else has the exact same type of billy grips. They see yours, assume that they are their's, use them and put them in their pack. When they get home they realise that they have 2 billy grips.

This is true. In fact this exact thing nearly happened to me in NZ recently. A MTB rider nearly swapped my titanium billy grips for his friends regular ones.
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Re: Huts or Tents?

Postby hikingoz » Wed 19 Oct, 2011 9:21 pm

madmacca wrote:In some respects, I like using the huts - they are a great reminder of the history of the high country.

However, the rodent factor is definitely one to consider. Allegedly the ones at White's River have a taste for GoreTex. :)

I will use them if I am late arriving into a campsite, or want to dry out some gear, but in general will camp outside.

I can vouch for the rodents in that part of the world. I had my Zamberlans gnawed along the top by a broad toothed rat at Tin Hut. Just superficial fortunately. There was a bunch of skiers at the Schlink catching rats with food, a pale and a piece of string :lol: Always hang yer food up.:wink:
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