abceight wrote:I sleep in huts in NSW Alps nine times out of ten. They are frequently empty aside from the local rodents.
andrewbish wrote:abceight wrote:I sleep in huts in NSW Alps nine times out of ten. They are frequently empty aside from the local rodents.
We call them bogans in Victoria
CaptainC wrote:Huts may be OK to camp in during really bad weather. Otherwise the 2 things that I have against them are the rodents, very hard to keep them out of your food (or hair) and the risk of losing gear. A typical scenario is that you have your billy grips on a bench. Someone else has the exact same type of billy grips. They see yours, assume that they are their's, use them and put them in their pack. When they get home they realise that they have 2 billy grips.
madmacca wrote:In some respects, I like using the huts - they are a great reminder of the history of the high country.
However, the rodent factor is definitely one to consider. Allegedly the ones at White's River have a taste for GoreTex.![]()
I will use them if I am late arriving into a campsite, or want to dry out some gear, but in general will camp outside.
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