by Macca81 » Thu 26 Jan, 2012 9:31 pm
Bit of a throw together tonight, for the reasons of wanting to do a bit of a test on the weights of food before and after cooking, then after drying, also to satisfy a minor curiosity of how much fuel i put in to my body in a day of walking, and to add another varietal to my dehy meal stockpile.
So, this is a bit of an Asian flavour inspired mince dish, using roo in place of beef (i prefer roo over lamb or beef for dehy due to the lower fat content). I will likely have this with either rice or quinoa.
All quantities are in grams.
Onions - 210
Garlic - 15
Mushrooms - 220
Stock Powder - 10
Frozen Corn 220
Frozen Peas 100
Chillies(3) - 8
Anchovies(5) - 15
Shrimp Paste - 10
Native Pepper <1
Dried Lime Leaves(3) - <1
Cumin - <1
Fenugreek - <1
Mustard Seed - <1
Ginger - <1
Roo - 1000
Oyster Sauce - 100
Fish Sauce - 10
Soy Sauce - 50
Chilli Sauce - 10
Chia Seeds - 50
Raisins - 100
Note: The stock powder was mixed with water and used at various stages during cooking in place of oil.
The pepper through to the ginger are all dry, and when all combined come to 2-3g. just a decent pinch of each will do.
Onion and Garlic are diced up reasonably small, Mushrooms are sliced then roughly chopped. Throw these into a wok with a splash of the stock and cooked until soft. Remove from the wok.
Add some more stock and the finely sliced Chillies, sliced Anchovies and the Shrimp Paste. Once dissolved, add to the onion mix.
Combine Native Pepper, Lime Leaves, Cumin, Fenugreek, Mustard Seeds and Ginger in a mortar and pestle and smash the hell outa it! Add to the wok and toast for a minute or 2. Add Roo mince and stir to combine with spice mix. Cook until there is no more liquid then leave to cool.
Once cool enough to handle, get your hands in and break the mince up until it is fairly fine (Roo has a tendency to clump up, using beef mince you should be able to miss this step) so that it re-hydrates easier.
Return to the heat and add the onion mix, Peas, Corn, Sauces, Chia and Raisins. Cook for about 5 more minutes.
Now from here there are 2 methods i use to determine the quantity of dried mixture i will use per serve.
The first way is to serve up the amount i feel i would eat, then add it to the drying tray in a section, then add another serve to the same tray leaving a gap, then another and so on.
The method i used this time was to serve up how much i thought i would eat (bearing in mind that i will be eating it with rice or quinoa) and weighing it. This came to 146g, so i rounded it up to 150 for ease. I then weighed the total amount which was 1900g (1886, to be exact). This means that i now know that when i dry all of it, if i split it into 12 serves, i will be fine (it works out to 12.6 serves, so i will increase the serve size slightly). [for the sake of being a pedant, i lost 230g during the cooking process. most of this would have come from the mince and the frozen peas/corn, i suspect.]
Once this is dried, i will edit this post with a final weight. I will include both rice and quinoa for comparisons sake so you can see the weight of a full evening meal.
geoskid wrote:nothing but the best of several brands will do :)