Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby Daniel62 » Mon 20 Feb, 2012 11:57 pm

75th anniversary of the Stinson plane crash at Lamington yesterday, 19/2/2012. The City of Brisbane, the Stinson that crashed met its end with only 2 survivors found. I walked up yesterday with a group of three, we tidied up the memorial plaques and said a little prayer for the memory of those lost, the endurance of those found, and the tenacity of the rescuers. It was sad that we did not pass any other walkers. Hopefully some groups will do the walk on the anniversary of the rescue in 9 days time. The trail was sound and the walking was beautiful.
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson Wreck Maps

Postby ShaneinNSW » Thu 01 Mar, 2012 6:01 pm

I'm looking at doing the hike between O'Reilly's and the Stinson later in the year. I'm looking for Topo maps of the area and was wondering if anyone could help me out. I've just bought the Lamington Park Topo from Hema that has all the walks listed, unfortunately though it only goes as far south as Rat-a-tat.

Does anyone have an scanned copy of the map?
The map number/producer name for a good topo map that shows everything from OReilly's to the Stinson, including Xmas Creek?
Track notes from hikes they may have done in the area?
Minimum of 1:25000

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby ShaneinNSW » Thu 01 Mar, 2012 8:37 pm

Does anyone have the GPS marks of the Stinson, Point Lookout, and all the remote campsites in Lamington?


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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby facebox » Mon 05 Mar, 2012 3:35 pm

member scockburn might be able to help you. PM him
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby ShaneinNSW » Tue 06 Mar, 2012 9:13 pm

Thanks facebox. I'll PM him now.
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby flyinglion2000 » Thu 08 Mar, 2012 2:43 pm

PM sent Shane
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby GrahamW » Thu 12 Jun, 2014 7:39 pm

Chistmas Ck- Stinson- Pt lookout- Echo Pt- Binna Burra.
Completed this walk in May 14 with a couple of mates and what an adventure we had.
The walk up from Christmas Ck was Ok with good views at the top of the range. The track to Pt lookout was good and we camped at this location. Had no problems finding whats left of the Stinson wreckage but could not locate the plaques.
The next day was a very tough day…. We left Pt Lookout and it started to rain we lost the track within the first 200m, We bush bashed until we found the track again. The only indication was the yellow and pink ribbons. However these are faded and can be hard to find. We lost the track numerous times only to come across it again and then lose it because of tree falls etc. We didn't even make it to Rit a Tat because we ran out of daylight and still raining. We had to stop then and there in the scrub, lucky we were able to set up a few tents on a rough sloped ground, amongst the wait a while and vines.
That night I was able to take a GPS location and worked out that we were between Mt Durigan and Rit a tat, If only we had an extra 15mins of daylight we would have found it. The next day we walked north and found the track again on the saddle between Durigan and Mt Wupawn. The track here was OK but we lost it again due to a tree fall about 500m short of Echo Pt.Bush bashed in a NE direction and found a pink ribbon again- hence track. Walked into Echo Pt mid morning.
Took the Albert/Border track to Binna Burra.
If contemplating this trek allow heaps of time and be prepared to be stuck out in the bush. If you stick to the top of the range you should never become lost.We were a bit unlucky that it rained…….Still had plenty of laughs and a good sense of humour.
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby DARRIN-G » Fri 13 Jun, 2014 11:14 pm

Its a great walk I'll have to visit the old rata tat hut site in the dark to see the glow worms, another chalange. Thanks for the report sounds in the same condition wen we went through a couple of years ago Darrin...
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby ofuros » Mon 04 Aug, 2014 2:42 pm

Came across a little background info about the Stinson crash/ rescue.
Old map, photo & original statements...... ... quest.aspx
Daughters memories.... ... ly-family/
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Lamington hike - Stinson plane wreck

Postby Kainas » Mon 04 Aug, 2014 8:43 pm

I know I am 4-years too late, but I didn't realise that until page 2 of this topic! Great photos, I visited O'Reillys several times when I lived in Qld, and always wanted to do that particular walk, but was worried that I was not skilled enough to navigate the terrain.
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