Aussie snow, what do you think?

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Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby bfpollard » Sat 10 Mar, 2012 7:16 pm

How many of you ski in Australia/abroad? was interesting to read this article. ... 6293323880

What are your thoughts? I love Hotham, though I've only skied at Stirling, Falls and Hotham.. I camped at Stirling and Falls, resort at the foot of Hotham because it's so damn expensive on mountain.
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Sun 11 Mar, 2012 5:51 pm

I haven't missed going down in the last 16 years (mostly perisher, thredbo though also charlotte pass and Falls). I've also done O/S trips in and amongst it and unfortunately our snow experience doesn't always stack up. Its becoming so expensive to go down and now that I've moved to Brisbane, its more likely that my $$ will be spent o/s due to the inability to easily drive there. Can't go past NZ for value
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby ninjapuppet » Mon 12 Mar, 2012 2:23 am

if you're spending any length of time over a week, cant go past Canadian resorts. Some work mates just came back from Canada and were telling me the length of the ski runs just go for miles. All up, their 10 days including airfares costed something similar someone spending 10 days in thredbo overe here!

I usually go back country so havnt done alot of time at the resorts.
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby icemancometh » Tue 13 Mar, 2012 5:05 pm

I was going to say Japan or the States would be the best value right now with the dollar the way it is

NZ is pretty hard to beat when it's on too though...and short travel time. The club fields just have to be done.

Australia's ok too and can even be great (watch Winter Dreaming) esp for easy touring, but if it came to an either/or I'd go NZ for bigger hills.
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby icemancometh » Fri 16 Mar, 2012 10:17 am

Go out the back and ski something in the Australian backcountry and you'll find something quite special esp with the gums and all that.
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby Azza » Fri 16 Mar, 2012 10:54 am

bfpollard wrote:How many of you ski in Australia/abroad? was interesting to read this article. ... 6293323880

What are your thoughts? I love Hotham, though I've only skied at Stirling, Falls and Hotham.. I camped at Stirling and Falls, resort at the foot of Hotham because it's so damn expensive on mountain.

I've been a few times in Australia in recent years, thought it was time to get a balanced opinion.
But mainly because I was either working in Canberra and used it as an opportunity to pinch the work car for the weekend, or friends were going...

I just find it horribly expensive for what you get in Australia, by the time you include flights and everything from Tasmania I can go to NZ for a week and it feels more like a real holiday and works out cheaper (at least in my mind).
I've kinda given up on Australia / NZ and I save my holidays for skiing in Japan / Canada / USA.
I'd still go to NZ if I had the time and if I get really desperate I'll bite the bullet and pay through the nose for a weekend on the mainland to go skiing.

Backcountry wise - on those one or two days a year when it dumps here in Tassie (and doesn't melt or get rained away by lunch time), there are some pretty awesome runs if your willing to hike it.
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Re: Aussie snow, what do you think?

Postby icemancometh » Fri 16 Mar, 2012 11:01 am

Yeah I guess if you want to just make turns then maybe go overseas but going BC is more than just that or you'll get bored. I'm thinking more Victoria or even the Main Range.
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