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Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sat 31 Mar, 2012 8:33 pm

stepbystep wrote:
Stibb wrote:As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

Other bits I've noticed...

Cobber, it's ok coming from an old dude, but when an 18yo calls me cobber I feel like slapping him :wink:

"Of a night time" or "Of a morning".... in the new world of WA(that's Western Australia NOT the Western Arthurs) it was "At night" or "In the morning"

Lachlan, pronounced "Lack-lan" as opposed to "Lock-lan" despite it being named after Lachlan("Lock-lan") Macquarie....

Spot on on all accounts Cobs.

What about when someone roughly your ages calls you cobs?? :?

:lol: Mate :wink: You can call me cobber anytime. Just doesn't feel right when the pimply bogan at Bunnings does it.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Sun 01 Apr, 2012 6:38 am

Yeh I know what you mean!! Call them codger in reply...

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 2:24 pm

Sorry, I should not have written Tassy. I can see that now ... I should have written Pedentmania.


Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 2:42 pm

stepbystep wrote: when an 18yo calls me cobber I feel like slapping him :wink:

Tell that to the young Nigerian? guy that works at my local Woolies!

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 7:18 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Wow, look at where this has ended....... :)

Good to see the proud tasweigans standing up for themselves!! Onya lads!!

Sheesh. Get it right. You spelt it wrong. It should be 'Tasmaniacs'!

YES! Taswegian is just plain WRONG. It's illogical and inconsistent and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Besides being ugly.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 8:04 pm

Is this some form a joke?
Tried to post and got this-
The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.
Here goes - try again

Well- Taswegian just had to jump in here. :lol:
Took the lot, bait, line, sinker and Tasmania with it.

ILUV I once called Tas(whatever) Tassy and you quipped me about that, gently :wink:
As an old timer from way back at 42°south, I was a bit surprised when you asked what Tassy (or Tasy was it?) meant.

Actually I'd never queried that till you raised it, then my wife agreed and so I had to adjust!

What about 'BREAD AL BANE' - near Western Junction or the airport for Launceston? That gets mainlanders going, and then depends on where your'e from - "Gravelly Beach"
Last edited by taswegian on Wed 04 Apr, 2012 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 8:07 pm

Your wife is obviously a very smart woman. :wink:

I was thinking about making some kind or remark about the ACT being in NSW..... but thought better of it. :P

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 8:37 pm

Now steady down mate - I won't be able to let her read this forum again.
Must be time to call in the Moderators!
Its bad enough to be called WRONG. It's illogical and inconsistent and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Besides being ugly., but to side with the wife!!! :roll:

Actually your'e spot on - one very smart woman - amongst a host of other things.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 8:53 pm

I was thinking about making some kind or remark about the ACT being in NSW ..... but thought better of it. :P

The ACT is in NSW, that's where it is exactly and NSW is on the Mainland. The ACT has the Northern Australian Alps. Somewhere off the coast is that other place, that place that has the hills ... Pedentmania.


Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 9:14 pm

WarrenH wrote:
I was thinking about making some kind or remark about the ACT being in NSW ..... but thought better of it. :P

The ACT is in NSW, that's where it is exactly and NSW is on the Mainland. The ACT has the Northern Australian Alps. Somewhere off the coast is that other place, that place that has the hills ... Pedentmania.


Pedantmania, please.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 9:23 pm


Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 04 Apr, 2012 9:46 pm

It is good to see that all the pedants are being dragged out ... (there 's nothing more to prove here).

I hope this helps.

Last edited by WarrenH on Fri 06 Apr, 2012 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Thu 05 Apr, 2012 12:28 am

Moderation: This topic began as a discussion of pronunciations and spellings peculiar to Tasmania - it should continue in that vein. Please, as always, keep it friendly.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Fri 06 Apr, 2012 10:24 pm

mod: Comments on moderation should not be posted in the public forum. ... thank you for letting me know again. Très bon en effet.

If you're enjoying the laugh, laugh about where I live. That's fair because I enjoyed laughing at where Tasmanians live and how sheltered environment effects us all ...

This a peace off ering by the way.


Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Tue 28 Aug, 2012 10:08 pm

stepbystep wrote:
Stibb wrote:As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

Well only eighteen months to go and I get my "Real Tassie" plates :lol:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 29 Aug, 2012 7:16 am

tas-man wrote:
stepbystep wrote:
Stibb wrote:As I'm not born here I will apparently never be a true Taswegian but Tassie, not Tassy is my home. Don't mind a bit of Taz every now and then

20 years residency I'm told. I'm in my 6th year so have a long way to go......

Well only eighteen months to go and I get my "Real Tassie" plates :lol:

Didnt know you were a blow in Ian?

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 29 Aug, 2012 11:42 am

you should hear him say, "how cool is the school pool"

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 29 Aug, 2012 2:15 pm

Son of a Beach wrote:you should hear him say, "how cool is the school pool"

:lol: Is that right? Fush and Chups eh??

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 29 Aug, 2012 11:08 pm

tas-man wrote:Well only eighteen months to go and I get my "Real Tassie" plates :lol:

Didnt know you were a blow in Ian?

Didn't you read my "Who Are You?" profile from 2008 ? :wink: :arrow: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=776

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Thu 30 Aug, 2012 11:22 am

johnw wrote:Whatever spelling you want, send it in to the Macquarie Dictionary. I'm sure they will publish it in the next edition :wink:.

Speaking of the dictionaries, 'Bogan' has been officially recognised by Oxford.

On a funnier note, 'Chigger' is a recognised synonym of 'Bogan' in the Macquarie Dictionary.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Thu 30 Aug, 2012 7:02 pm

Been bitten by a few chiggers in my time :shock:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Mon 26 Nov, 2012 9:52 am

Back to the topic, I found a useful way to pick a local is their pronunciation of 'Tasmania'. On the north island, it has 4 syllables: tas-main-i-a

Here it has 3: tas-main-ya.
The second syllable is very long, and often very nasalised, done particularly well by Paul Lennon

I have got caught out by a few linguistically aware mainlanders, like some ABC radio announcers, but usually it works, even for people who have learnt about Lonnie.

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Mon 26 Nov, 2012 4:32 pm

Tortoise wrote:even for people who have learnt about Lonnie.

Do you mean Launy? ;-)

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Mon 26 Nov, 2012 8:04 pm

Probably I do!! Or Launie p'raps? I've seen both written by...born and bred Tasmaaaaainyens. :lol:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Tue 27 Nov, 2012 6:47 am

Tortoise wrote:Probably I do!! Or Launie p'raps? I've seen both written by...born and bred Tasmaaaaainyens. :lol:

Pretty sure it is Launie. No matter how it is spelled, I still stay away! :wink:

My phone once corrected my spelling from Devonport to Derelict...... Pretty sure my phone never lies :lol: :lol:

Re: Tasmania Parochial Pronunciation and Spelling

Wed 28 Nov, 2012 8:42 pm

My phone corrects my name to a part of the anatomy that doesn't normally see the light of day :shock:
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