clarence wrote:...I walked in this area for years and it is often overlooked by experienced walkers.
It is not a wilderness, but provided you are aware of this fact it is still a worthwhile venture...
Thanks Clarence for providing some excellent detailed information, which fills a number of gaps in my own knowledge of an area that is more or less in my backyard. I will also have to try some of your suggestions. I've walked many of the places you mention but only as fragmented trips. Interesting to see a plan for a contiguous trip through the region (acknowledging the occasional road diversions). A few points from my own experience/knowledge:
I last walked the Wodi Wodi track (south to north) between 18 months and 2 years ago. It had become very overgrown and eroded. Was a little difficult to follow in places but OK for experienced walkers. At that time NPWS had erected signage about the derelict state of the track and potential dangers. I don't know if any work has been done on it since.
Good advice about not crossing the Mt Ousley Rd. Three lanes of 100km/h+ traffic in both directions, aggressive drivers, large trucks etc. I definitely wouldn't attempt it.
Staffords Farm was getting very overgrown last visit (via Robertsons Roundabout) but still accessible.
I haven't been up there for a while but I believe there was a significant landslip at Mt Keira during the recent wet weather. It affected track access on the mountain including Dave Walsh's. Current situation unknown.
I'm scratching my head to remember the detail but I did a walk from the southern end of the Forest Path to the southernmost lookout at Sublime Point? I was mostly able to follow old disused tracks/overgrown fire trails, although there was also a bit of road walking along the Old Princes Hwy. I'll have to look at my maps to recall the exact route I took.
In my personal experience of the Forest Path I have never had leech problems there, probably because my visits have always been during dry periods. But there are definitely a number of places they would populate if moist enough, which I guess Michael found out.

I also second Melinda's suggestion for Loves Bay to Werri Lagoon (Kiama Coastal Walking Track). Easy but spectacular coastal walk.