###SOLD### [TAS Hobart] FS: 2 MSR Fuel Pumps

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###SOLD### [TAS Hobart] FS: 2 MSR Fuel Pumps

Postby DonQx » Fri 15 Jun, 2012 5:45 pm


... :-) dq.

FOR SALE: 2 MSR Fuel Pumps

Not required since I'm now using a Primus Omnifuel.

Both externally in good nick.

Did quick test without stove ... they pressurise OK and the valves seem to work OK. One a bity stiff, may need to be oiled.

Should fit all MSR stoves that run off a fuel bottle.

Asking $30 including postage to anywhere in Oz.

Send a PM or find my email at the website in the sig line.

:-) dq.

sell MSR fuel pumps.jpg
Can't get enough of cruisy-paced overnite outdoor trips
Trip philosophy at www.ahack.org
Loc close to Hobart
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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