How much food weight per day do you carry for a long walk

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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Miyata610 » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 10:48 am

I think I see where we diverge. I'm defining carbs by chemical structure, you are grading them based on GI.

Fair enough.

It is true that in some tests potatoes have a higher GI than pure glucose, and it is accepted that pure white sugar (sucrose) is considered medium GI. Interesting.

I think you are trying to use high energy foods in the same way that elite athletes do, for an instant energy boost. Hence your high sugar/fat snacking lunches. This may be appropriate for your type of physical activity. I doubt it is for me, or anyone else.

I sometimes carry very large loads, up seemingly endless mountains. I just feel that a more rounded diet rather than an energy fix is what I need.

Have you done further nutritional analysis on your diet? The weight loss does seem very significant. Can you be sure it's just a matter of kJ? I'd be concerned about the potential fluid loss that you mention too.... There's only one way to fix that.
Last edited by Miyata610 on Sun 08 Jul, 2012 5:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 10:51 am

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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby matagi » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 4:48 pm

Moondog55 wrote:matagi You don't know what you are talking about.

Ok, if you say so.
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 5:39 pm

OK, instant energy boost, fair enough description, although a Mars bar usually lasts about an hour and a half; in winter in bad weather I do not stop for lunch, I merely eat as I ski or climb.
Weight loss was a little higher than anticipated but I put that down to the very high physical output and the lower than usual caloric input.High levels physical exertion does tend to depress appetite for the first 5 to 6 days (at least with me ) and I was calorie deficient due to the very high humidity robbing my sleeping bag of efficiency.
I do know the difference between carbohydrate, fat and protein, I also know the difference between sugar and starch.
My experience tells me that I need 2 to 3 weeks for my cold adaptation to kick in and until it does my inner furnace needs sugar. The funny thing is years of reading about Antarctic and Arctic travel and many, many years of feeding people in cold conditions lets me know that this is the correct strategy for most folk most of the time
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Macca81 » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 7:57 pm

Moondog, i tend to be with the others on this, i feel that your lunches in particular are aimed solely at the energy content rather than what is actually in them. I would suspect that due to the low protein you took in, the majority of your weight loss would have been muscle mass rather than body fat. I dont believe that your body is happy to take whatever energy source you throw at it, it would much rather a well ballenced one. However, if you are just giving it carbs, then it clearly has to use just carbs... In my opinion, that is not sustainable...

But, if it works for you...
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby corvus » Sun 08 Jul, 2012 8:37 pm

Moondog55 have I picked up that you do not eat meat on walks are you a vego ?
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 8:06 am

Actually I am a dedicated carnivore.
I just find that a high carbohydrate diet is easier to digest when working hard,
I was a marathon runner when younger and I'm a chef by trade and training. Most folk eat far too much protein and while a very high protein diet has benefits in a cold climate -5 isn't cold enough for me to bother with a flesh only regime.
Besides there was a huge amount of protein in the dinner I mentioned, more than enough to avoid muscle depletion.
If time and fuel isn't of concern I tend to get a lot of my protein requirements through pulses but tinned meats are faster
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 9:28 am

Ive just completed a 7 day hike and consumed 410 grams of food per day. At no stage was i hungry

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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 11:08 am

Cut and pasted from the thread where I explained my rationing reasoning.

{{Protein needs are approximately 1 gram per kilogram lean body mass
Protein needs are approximately 80 to 90 grams per day
Protein then should supply about 350 to 400 Calories per day
So food needs 1600 Calories from starches and sugars
1600/4 equals 400 grams of carbohydrates
Rice / pasta / instant potato/sugar 100 gram per meal
One tin of protein ( tuna.spam etc. ) per meal approximately 25 grams of protein

Ration quantities
Carbs and proteins 2000 Calories per day so 2000/4 equals 500 grams of starch and protein
Fats and oils 1000 Calories per day so 1000/8 equals 125 grams of fats and oils per day}}

I am going to seriously examine my sample meal as posted with ALL of its ingredients added in and I will calculate the total protein and Calories/kilojoules for that particular day

If I'm wrong I am happy to admit it, and I'll then do a recalculation of my winter regime so others do not make the same mistakes.
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 1:02 pm

OK I have just done a full calculation of Calories and whole protein of my sample diet and while it has more than sufficient whole protein at 86 grams and the balance of fat,starch and sugars is reasonable it is only 3200 Calories,13440kilojoules; which therefore easily account for the weight loss I experienced, I need to add a few more nuts and some dried fruit.
I usually do make a scroggin bar that is heavy on the almonds, coconut and apricot but used the muesli bars for expediency, I will admit that I was surprised at the low calorie count.
It may come as a surprise to some of you that black sugar is 1% protein
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Miyata610 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 1:26 pm

Moondog55 wife tells me she could see my weight loss and my waist is about an inch smaller so I guess I lost 5kg during the 10 days.
even if half that was water ....

Are you possibly basing your concerns on a false premise?

You don't know you lost any weight at all. Why assume half of this unkown amount is water?

Repeating the test with body weight and body fat analysis before and after would be appropriate before making any changes.

Consulting a doctor about your diet might be a good idea regardless.
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 1:43 pm

The simple fact that my pants are falling down, tells me enough
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Miyata610 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 1:47 pm

Moondog55 wrote:The simple fact that my pants are falling down, tells me enough

After only a 2.5cm reduction?

Couldn't this be a loss of excess body fat with a corresponding increase in muscle as a result of 10 days of extremely strenuous exercise?
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 2:38 pm

Miyata610 wrote:
Moondog55 wrote:The simple fact that my pants are falling down, tells me enough

After only a 2.5cm reduction?

Couldn't this be a loss of excess body fat with a corresponding increase in muscle as a result of 10 days of extremely strenuous exercise?

When I exercise heavily I usually increase lean muscle mass as well as loosing excess body fat
1000Calories per day deficit coupled with walking and skiing 14 or more klicks in a day will do that, add the effect of a few days heavy sled hauling and I am surprised I did not loose more than a few centimetres of waistline.
The sled hauling was particularly difficult , for some reason I neglected to hot wax the sled base and the conditions were such as to strip the remainder very quickly, I ran out of liquid ski glide wax after 3 days too
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby corvus » Mon 09 Jul, 2012 6:59 pm

As an energy "booster" I use Glucodin tablets which are an excellent source to me of quick release carbs ,also as a carnivore I just love a "Hans Striker Stick" as part of my lunch time intake along with an "All Natural Bakery" oat slice bar which packs a good 50+ boost of carbs and 1700+kj of energy and a couple of Cheese triangles plus a Snicker bar(jeez no wonder my food load gets heavy) I also make my own Jerky so use that to graze on .
Last edited by corvus on Tue 10 Jul, 2012 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby tom_brennan » Tue 10 Jul, 2012 11:58 am

corvus wrote:... and 1700+kg of energy...

corvus wrote:...jeez no wonder my food load gets heavy... said it... :lol:
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Re: How much food weight per day do you carry for a long wal

Postby corvus » Tue 10 Jul, 2012 1:40 pm

tom_brennan wrote:
corvus wrote:... and 1700+kg of energy...

corvus wrote:...jeez no wonder my food load gets heavy... said it... :lol:

Thanks for pointing out my typo :oops: :lol:
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