by Drew » Wed 18 Jul, 2012 12:48 pm
The weekend before last a mate and I did an overnight walk at Cathedral. I planned the route based on the walking times given on the park notes but found that we went a lot quicker. We started at Ned's Gully and had planned to go up to Cathedral Peak and along the ridge to The Farmyard on day 1. On day 2 we planned to climb to North and South Jawbone peaks and then go down to Cooks Mill, returning to the car via Little River Track.
We certainly weren't going all that fast, but after starting the walk at 1pm we easily got to The Farmyard before dark. We then decided on day 2 to go along the Razorback for a bit to stretch out the walk. We ended up going all the way to Sugarloaf Peak, descending via Canyon Track, then walking to Jawbone Carpark, Cooks Mill via St Bernards Track, and back to the car via Little River Track. I think we started walking around 9:30 am and were back at the car by 1:30pm. So I'd suggest that it's easily possible to do your proposed walk kevjoh.
In poor weather however the razorback would be slower, with lots of slippery rocks. I would avoid the climb/descent of Sugarloaf Peak completely in wet weather. We found it quite tricky in good weather with overnight packs.
It's a lovely walk, with lots of active lyrebirds at this time of year (mating season).