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Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 03 Aug, 2012 9:35 pm

Waterfalls picnic ground to Cameron tk camp

The Pyrenees Range is about 200kms northwest of Melbourne and about two and a half hours drive. The closest town is Avoca located east of the start of the walk at Waterfalls picnic area that is easily travelled in 2WD in10 minutes. At the time of this writting, the toilet is under construction. BYO water?.

Did it solo as an overnight walk due to no car shuffle. Pyrenees Endurance walk continues on from Cameron tk campground about 10kms further to be finished at Glenlofty-Warrenmang Rd / Hankin Tk Junctiion.

A walking track post can be found at Waterfalls picnic car park, just after the bridge and about 10ms further, Pyrenees Endurance post with the information of the walk 21km, One way.

The walk starts with a steep climb to the top of the range. It would be slippery if wet and a trekking pole would come in handy specially for the return trip. The trail from the start through Main Break to Mt Avoca (featured with a trig, 747m), through Emery Tk, then linked up with Old Tiger Cat Tk, is well-marked and maintained. Turn right at Old Tiger Cat, head West for about half of km and take notice of an unofficial marker with stones on the right (position 706278, 5891324). From here, there are a couple of options to get down to Nowhere Creek and Pyrenees Endurance Trail junction:

1) keep following the (walking) & bike tk heading West down and down about 350m to Nowhere Crk at a hairpin. Ignore the foot pad on the other side of the creek, instead continue on a short distance to reach the junction at a walking track post (position 705834, 5891353).

This signpost was missed on day one. I crossed the creek and followed the foot pad (see topo map file, reach pwt from crk) because of trying to avoid the eroded bike trail.

2) Go west, xc down to Nowhere Crk. The timbered forests here are open and so the opportunity arises. If doing so, you may come across parts of Pyrenees Endurance Zig Zag Track. Here is another useful post at the trail & crk junction (postion 705987, 5891503 & photo attached)

3) The start of the zig zag track should be close to where the stones marker is. It was missed on day one, too.

When reaching the Pyrenees Endurance post/s on the bank of Nowhere Crk, leave the creek and follow the track up. One or two orange triangles can be seen on the way. Ignore blue ribbons, continue on West untill the sight of the next orange triangle (Reach pwt). From this point, only a short section on a track was the “tks” -“Reach tk, d2”.

Below is the attachement of the topo graphical map file with the route and useful gps waypoints taken from Old Tiger Cat Tk to Cameron Tk Campground. As discussed on the well-defined track from Waterfalls picnic to Old Tiger Cat Tk, I don’ t see the need of another topo file. The entire route can be found on Parkvic map; but neither on the topographical maps 1:25k and 1:50k (2006) I have, nor on the online Mud map.

My final words for those planning to do the walk are: Be well-equipped with a proper topomap & a compass (gps optional), start early and carefully observe the orange triangle markers. Hope this helps.
One of the two useful posts at the junction of The Pyrenees Walking Trail & Nowhere Creek. Map and photo by Dzung Nguyen.
PWTpost.jpg (242.85 KiB) Viewed 47887 times
Part of DSE map, Forests Notes.
PE_pv1.jpg (82.98 KiB) Viewed 47887 times

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 03 Aug, 2012 10:18 pm

Hey, thanks for the report. That's not far from home for me so will go onto "the list".........cheers

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 03 Aug, 2012 11:15 pm

Enjoyed the walk as well as writing the hiking notes. Thanks.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Mon 20 Aug, 2012 5:10 pm

Great report. I still haven't walked the complete track as last time i was there they were to track and signage repair last time i was there.

Your notes will help though as i found some of the section i attempted hard to follow in places.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Wed 22 Aug, 2012 6:22 pm

Agree there. That is the reason why i put some time on the notes and the editing of the topographical map marked with useful gps waypoints. There had been little information about the route. Thanks Brad.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Wed 22 Aug, 2012 9:32 pm

Starting to get a few nice days here lately and i plan on doing the whole track very soon. Do you have a GPS log of the section you did.

Was there much fresh track work in that section?

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 24 Aug, 2012 7:41 pm

Can see if a gps log is needed. You have the topo with the route and useful waypoints and the notes. You will be fine.

Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sat 25 Aug, 2012 7:18 pm

Had a few spare hrs today so took a walk up Cameron's track to the campground. Noticed new signs where the walk crosses over the road and a nice new toilet at the camp.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 26 Aug, 2012 5:48 pm

Which one? the one at waterfall camp or Cameron's track. Both were rebuilt when i was there.

Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 26 Aug, 2012 6:59 pm

The one at Cameron's camp. Last time I was there the old one still remained and the one at waterfalls had gone completely.
It's great the are doing some work in the area as it hasn't happened for awhile. I noticed lots of road graded too.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Mon 27 Aug, 2012 7:20 pm

I arrived late and returned late; therefore, had no chance to look around. But, a bit of time was spent to check out the route conditions/ops4xc.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 02 Sep, 2012 11:44 pm

I’ve just walked the Waterfalls – Camerons section of the Pyrenees Endurance track (thanks for your input, dplanet) and thought an update and a few additional comments might assist others doing this walk.

dplanet wrote:My final words for those planning to do the walk are: Be well-equipped with a proper topomap & a compass
Signage on the track is inconsistent and, in places, misleading – map/compass/gps definitely advised. There are many tracks (old and new) throughout this area, some incorrectly marked on the various maps available – you’ve been warned !

dplanet wrote:At the time of this writting, the toilet is under construction. BYO water?.
Toilet construction has been completed at both Camerons (tank water available) and Waterfalls (no water). Note that Camerons Campground is a recognised 4WD/trailbike hotspot (noise potential).

dplanet wrote:take notice of an unofficial marker with stones on the right (position 706278, 5891324).
Just past the cairn (20m), a bike/foot track strikes left from the road. It winds down and around, crossing the road again lower down. The track then continues zigzaging down to, and then along, Nowhere Ck.

The map below is the current (Aug 2012) DSE map showing a dotted line for the Pyrenees Endurance Track. The red line is the actual track (bike/foot) - useful shortcuts are shown in green : 4WD tracks and blue : offtrack. There is plenty of potential to make small shortcuts to cut off loops that are really suited to mountain bikes.

Note that the official Pyrenees track does not actually go to Camerons Campground. I'd recommend the green shortcut into Camerons as the most sensible option.
Pyrenees 1.JPG
Actual track and various alternatives

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Thu 06 Sep, 2012 4:40 pm

I spoke to the DSE officer with responsibility for the Pyrenees Endurance Track today.

Historically, the track was a walking track only. However, parts of the track are now being maintained as dual-purpose mtb/walk usage. IMO, this introduces some problems and will be next to impossible to manage. Track needs are different for the two uses (routing, gradient, width, camber). Erosion will become an issue, I think.

He’s well aware of signage limitations and additional markers will be added as and when labour is made available – particularly marking the sections where mountain bikes may be encountered.

The intention is to add a tank at Waterfall Picnic area in the ‘near’ future. However, it will not be fed from the shelter roof (no funding for guttering) but will be topped up by (fire)truck with town water. Note that there is no infrastructure at the western end of the track.

It's a worthwhile tramp, with the terrain offering oportunities to test your off-track navigation (if you want)
one of several steep sections on the Pyrenees Track
pyrenees.JPG (209.75 KiB) Viewed 47490 times

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Tue 26 Mar, 2013 6:22 pm

Dad, one of my school friends and I are doing this walk on the 5th and 6th April. On Sunday we went for a little stroll on the track near the Glenlofty-Warrenmang Road/ Hankin Track Juntion and it's well signed out, so we assume there has been some track work and some new signs put in.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 05 Apr, 2013 7:53 am

Heading off shortly, will be back tomorrow afternoon with the latest news for the track.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Fri 05 Apr, 2013 4:23 pm

Will attach useful updates to my blog ... stern.html

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 07 Apr, 2013 9:02 pm

We walked from the Hankins Track end to the Waterfalls Picnic Area, camping at Camerons Hut overnight. We discovered that it's not called the Pyrenees Endurance Walk fo-r nothing :wink:

Most of the track is well marked but there is an area near the start (Hankins Track end) where the track is no longer visible due to leaf litter covering the track. You need to scan carefully for the next marker.

On Day 2 after Camerons Campground the reflective arrows are few and far between so some areas are quite poorly marked, however most spots where the track intersects a road there is a large orange sign indicating the direction of travel. Unfortunately these sometimes assume that walkers will only be travelling in one direction and are lacking in information. One particular point is where the walking track intersects a track (between Nowhere Creek crossing and Emerys Track) that doesn't appear on all maps. You need to take a compass bearing at this point to determine that you are indeed somewhere near where you should be. Miraculously the markers reappear a few hundred metres up this track and is well marked for the rest of the walk.

Trail bike riders have made the track far more discernible than on our last visit (a positive) but accidentally chopping out some sections and deliberately others (so it seems) may cause some serious problems in the future. We met a large group of riders who said they won't ride on walking tracks. If only more riders were this responsible many of the problems they cause would be alleviated.

The stated distance (21 KM) doesn't seem to include the walk up to and back down from Camerons. Our GPS suggested the total distance covered was a figure closer to 25 KM.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Tue 13 Aug, 2013 8:37 pm

Finally got a chance to complete the last section of this last week.
Walked from Emery track to waterfalls camp.
Nice out there at the moment as there was even plenty of water flowing over the waterfall for a change.
The new signage isn't hold up to the elements well as its only vinyl lettering on wood but that section of the track is very easy to navigate.
Doesn't look like the track gets much use and the yearly MTB race has had its last run so i expect track maintenance will suffer.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Tue 13 Aug, 2013 9:03 pm

bmak wrote:Finally got a chance to complete the last section of this last week.
Walked from Emery track to waterfalls camp.
Nice out there at the moment as there was even plenty of water flowing over the waterfall for a change.
The new signage isn't hold up to the elements well as its only vinyl lettering on wood but that section of the track is very easy to navigate.
Doesn't look like the track gets much use and the yearly MTB race has had its last run so i expect track maintenance will suffer.

Hi Brad,

Just wondering if you know the name of the waterfall on the Pyrenees Endurance Walk? Is it big? I can't find any info on it and was wondering if it was worth a trip to see it.

Thanks heaps.


Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 1:25 pm

Not sure of the name. It's in the valley walk at waterfalls picnic area.

At the moment it's very nice with a bit of water going over but it dries up quick


Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Wed 14 Aug, 2013 1:45 pm

Thanks mate. Going up to the Grampians in a couple of weeks. If I get time I might head across and check it out. Hopefully we have some rain in between.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sat 07 Jan, 2017 9:04 pm

Hi, I am thinking about planning a trip to this area next year. Was thinking about possibly doing Pyrenees Endurance Walk or Beeripmo Hike. Has anyone done both hikes? Are they similar? Which one did you prefer and why? What other good hikes are nearby that are worth doing?

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Mon 09 Jan, 2017 8:33 am

roxyadelaide wrote:Hi, I am thinking about planning a trip to this area next year. Was thinking about possibly doing Pyrenees Endurance Walk or Beeripmo Hike. Has anyone done both hikes? Are they similar? Which one did you prefer and why? What other good hikes are nearby that are worth doing?

Roxy, I haven't done the Pyrenees walk for a few years but do Beeripmo regularly. The main difference is the Beeripmo is a circuit walk and the Pyrenees a through walk, so a car shuffle is needed.
I think the Beeripmo is a more pleasant walk with more diversity and some great views. Pyrenees is quite a dry area and forest is similar all the way through, no views that I can recall.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 15 Jan, 2017 8:13 pm

Roxy, if you're coming from Adelaide to the Pyrenees region you could do some walking in the Grampians as well. Plenty to choose from.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Sun 05 Feb, 2017 8:38 pm

roxyadelaide wrote:Hi, I am thinking about planning a trip to this area next year. Was thinking about possibly doing Pyrenees Endurance Walk or Beeripmo Hike. Has anyone done both hikes? Are they similar? Which one did you prefer and why? What other good hikes are nearby that are worth doing?

Snowzone wrote:
roxyadelaide wrote:Hi, I am thinking about planning a trip to this area next year. Was thinking about possibly doing Pyrenees Endurance Walk or Beeripmo Hike. Has anyone done both hikes? Are they similar? Which one did you prefer and why? What other good hikes are nearby that are worth doing?

Roxy, I haven't done the Pyrenees walk for a few years but do Beeripmo regularly. The main difference is the Beeripmo is a circuit walk and the Pyrenees a through walk, so a car shuffle is needed.
I think the Beeripmo is a more pleasant walk with more diversity and some great views. Pyrenees is quite a dry area and forest is similar all the way through, no views that I can recall.

I absolutely second Snowzone. I have walked Beeripmo seven times, PEW once and I highly recommend the former. Beautiful walk, so much to see, and being a circuit is rather important I'd imagine. The PEW is very tough for very little reward. The forest gets somewhat monotonous, as it doesn't really change. A bit of walking on 4WD tracks. A bit tricky to organise a car shuffle too. Alternatively you could walk back the way you had came, making it into potentially a 3-4 day walk, less than ideal.

Re: Pyrenees Endurance Pack Carry, Eastern Range

Wed 06 Jul, 2022 10:16 pm

Has anyone walked the full Pyrenees Endurance walk recently?

If so what is the track condition? Mostly in regards to how hard it is to follow. And has anything at the camp sites changed since the descriptions from about ten years ago?

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