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Sat 01 Sep, 2012 1:27 pm
I've been out for a couple hours of coast walking, and legs are sore from being unable to hack running during the week...
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 2:38 pm
Three reasons:
Wife's away so I have to look after the kids.
Had to be here when the local farmer/butcher delivered the meat mid-morning.
Have had a fever for two days and severe diarrhoea for three days leaving me 5kg lighter and with no energy for anything at all.
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 2:52 pm
hmm, sorry to hear that, possiby a wee bit too much information
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 2:54 pm
Uni assignment, and work. Although I did manage a moonlight wander about Mt Wellington last night.
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 3:47 pm
Wifey due to have our first baby any day. I'm on home watch, banned from going away too far from home.
Had the last 2 nights in the hammock on the deck though (She's developed a snoring issue in later pregnancy). Still trying to devote time to my gear......
I'm sorta camping that way at least. I just close my eyes and imagine I'm tucked away between 2 trees in some remote corner...
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 3:51 pm
geeze forest,, dont you know what sat phones are for?
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 4:58 pm
wayno wrote:geeze forest,, dont you know what sat phones are for?

LOL Family history of short labours... Otherwise I'd be out there, even locally.....
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 5:12 pm
'cos I have over 100 pages of maths and physics to to read
and learn before an exam on monday... oh yeah, and theres those two assignments that are due next week and the week after. *&%$#! assignments. Worse part is its beautiful weather to be outside, well, perfect is probably a better word...
But I'll be going for a run tomorrow rain or shine and hopefully my new tent arrives nest week so I have another reason to put off study (because the lord knows I need more of those

Sat 01 Sep, 2012 5:42 pm
Get better soon Nik. And fingers crossed for a happy healthy bundle soon Forest. Phan-tom Im sending all my best cramming brainwaves your way (I had a real talent for cramming at uni...possibly linked to the time spent socialising at the bar?!?)
Well Im walking in the lammington next week so Ive got a good walk to look forward to. For me today was spent doing a killer bootcamp session first thing then heading to the beach for the first swim of the season. Lovely!
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 6:23 pm
you were part of a bootcamp? or you were killing other people by taking one??
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 6:25 pm
Well, I had to work today. I did load the car last night so I could get away straight from work, but *cough, cough* am coming down with a nasty chest cold.
Given that I have a minimum 50 hour week lined up starting 6am Monday, I figured it would be better to spend tonight and tomorrow doing as little as possible. *cough*
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 6:52 pm
wayno wrote:you were part of a bootcamp? or you were killing other people by taking one??

I was one of those being killed. Im ok now but tomorrow...
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 6:54 pm
whatever you do, don't stop moving for the next few days....
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 7:25 pm
Had four days out bushwalking last week so domestic chores this weekend.
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 7:25 pm
Its all good. Its a weekly ritual (stupid I know

A nice easy jog usually gets the lactic acid movin.
Sat 01 Sep, 2012 8:57 pm
Spent the last 2 days indoors doing a suicide intervention workshop(ASIST) with Lifeline.
I plan to get some fresh air and sun tomorrow
Sun 02 Sep, 2012 8:37 am
Two contracts for six novels in the next 2 years, a book launch next month, plus full-time work, adding a granny flat to our house this Summer, and a bung knee.
And I'm cleaning the garage. Otherwise it'd be off to Cradle for me on this Father's day.
Sun 02 Sep, 2012 7:22 pm
It was a magnificent weekend in Brisbane and I had planned to get out into the bush myself...yet woke up crook, like a few others seem to...oh well, next weekend I hope!
Sun 02 Sep, 2012 9:14 pm
Big day planned X Country skiing....perfect conditions...get out of the car to get skis on.... and get a migraine aura...Straight back home for a day in bed !!!arg!!!
Mon 03 Sep, 2012 9:25 am
Bluegum Mic wrote:Phan-tom Im sending all my best cramming brainwaves your way...
Thanks Mic, I only managed about 25 pages yesterday and the test is this aternoon, It's going to be a long day!!
I'm heading to Lamington to do the Border Track to break in my tent when it arrives, I'm really looking forward to it. It looks like you'll get superb weather, what walks are you planning?
Mon 03 Sep, 2012 12:34 pm
Just doing Daves Circuit next weekend so a nice easy walk then possibly Mt Greville the following weekend. Border track sounds like a great break. Its on my to do list.
Mon 10 Sep, 2012 12:35 am
Am at work filling in time till days off (yes nightshift at 12:33). CO2 factory working well so surfing time
But then I am at home doing work I have left for the last few weeks of being else where.
Mon 10 Sep, 2012 7:12 am
The weekend this was first posted was a glorious, warm few days here in Tassie. The weekend just gone was a wakeup that spring is a time of fickle weather - rain and snow low down on the mountains and then strong winds - over 150km/h on Mt Wellington and other places. Anyone out camping would have wanted a really bombproof tent and a very sheltered location. Fun at places like High Moor I imagine.
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