water at Briggs Bluff

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water at Briggs Bluff

Postby Drew » Tue 04 Sep, 2012 4:09 pm

I'm heading to the Grampians this weekend with some friends to do the Mt Difficult/Briggs Bluff circuit. Just wondering if anyone who's been up there recently could tell me if there's water at or near the Briggs Bluff Hiker Campsite? The map shows Mud Hut Creek running through the area. I'm assuming it would be running after a wet winter.


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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby byrnesy8 » Tue 04 Sep, 2012 5:06 pm


I have been there recently but given the good winter and the rain forecast I would expect a good flow in the creek. You could check the flow in troopers creek nearby before you start.

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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby JamesMc » Tue 04 Sep, 2012 6:59 pm

Mud Hut Creek is pretty reliable.

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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby bmak » Tue 04 Sep, 2012 7:31 pm

There was plenty of water a few weeks ago and only had more rain since
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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby Drew » Thu 06 Sep, 2012 10:06 am

Great, thanks a lot everyone. Hopefully the wild winds will be finished by Saturday!
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby bernieq » Thu 06 Sep, 2012 4:55 pm

Drew, I have sourced water from Mud Hut Ck several times over years and was last there in May 2010. At that time, sadly, there was plenty of evidence of inappropriate toileting activity. I would now ensure that I filtered it before consuming.

If you get desperate, just up from Mud Hut Ck (along the track over the small ridge to the south – before the track splits), there is a smaller creek but it has pools in the rock that last longer than Mud Hut Ck itself.

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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby dplanet » Thu 06 Sep, 2012 9:23 pm

Here are two pics taken on a solo hike in Octorber 2010. Was lucky to get a lift to the start.
Water from Mud Hut Creek (see the water bottle).
c1.jpg (252.51 KiB) Viewed 7892 times
As discussed above.
d2.jpg (196.39 KiB) Viewed 7892 times
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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby bernieq » Fri 07 Sep, 2012 8:35 pm

Here’s another pic from the area – a campsite with a great outlook – big enough for 2 tents. Given the rain in the last 2 days, there’ll be plenty of water.

MudHut campsite.JPG
GDA95 Zone 54 E629620 N5905440 May 2009
MudHut campsite.JPG (135.88 KiB) Viewed 7848 times
Continue 250m SE from Mud Hut Creek (over the ridge, on the left just before the track split). A particularly good spot if Mud Hut is overrun by a school group (not unusual).
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Re: water at Briggs Bluff

Postby Drew » Mon 10 Sep, 2012 12:19 pm

It rained quite a bit on Friday night and on and off as we walked on Saturday, so there was certainly no water shortage - we seemed to be crossing streams every couple of hundred metres. We did pass that campsite bernieq but it was quite windy and that spot wasn't very sheltered. We ended up having the Briggs Bluff Hikers site to ourselves anyway. Quite a nice spot. We didn't end up going to Briggs Bluff itself but got nice morning views from a little bluff near the campsite. And thankfully the skies did finally clear and we had a lovely day to walk out yesterday.
Morning view towards Briggs Bluff
_MG_7187.jpg (209.84 KiB) Viewed 7820 times
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