Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

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Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby frank_in_oz » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 7:14 am

$$ are about to fly from heaven (or is it Canberra?)

Assuming it gets passed by the Senate and you don't have any other "more important" needs for the cash, AND you qualify what bushwalking gear would you blow your $950 on to "stimulate" the economy?

Let us all know your gear wish list if you had a lazy $950 to blow without and guilt!

1) Portable , lightweight poker machine - will stop me being bored in the evenings out in the scrub

2) Dehydrated bourbon so I can have a quiet drink while playing the pokies

3) Small laptop and sat phone so I can do live blogging from the bush

OK, you get the idea. Can be serious or just a bit flippant. Best wishes to all of you who will be getting the $$$, have fun!
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 7:40 am

I would really like to get a light weight tent to take on solo walks. The Olympus is just too heavy for one person. A great tent, but really overkill for just myself.

Of course the main motivation for this is so that I can then replace the weight and space in my pack with more good food and drinks!
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby johnw » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 8:10 am

Don't think I'll be getting $950 from Kev (what are the qualifying criteria anyway?), and I'm sure my wife would have other ideas, BUT:

    a full length waterproof "breathable" rain jacket that survives any type of scrub, weighs less than 10 grams and packs down to the size of a golf ball

    some waterproof socks

    another hat

    new boots, probably Scarpa

    a second pair of Dunlop Volleys but in a different colour

    a tiny featherweight waterproof P&S camera with huge integrated zoom, wide angle lenses and filters that takes professional standard photos in any lighting conditions with no skill required by the photographer

    an ultralight 4 season tent that's big on the inside and small on the outside, like the Tardis in Dr Who

    I needed a new daypack but already bought one last weekend. Damn!
How much money have I got left? :lol:
John W

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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby the_camera_poser » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 9:06 am

Our $1900 is going to NAB Visa..........

Otherwise it'd be:

3P Ultralight tent
Shell clothing for Helen
Sleeping bags for all of us
Earth mats for all of us

Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Nuts » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 9:13 am

That's just un-australian cp- the idea is to blow it on grog, smokes and the pokies :roll:
That way it is only 'temporarily' yours :(
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby frank_in_oz » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 9:40 am

Nuts wrote:That's just un-australian cp- the idea is to blow it on grog, smokes and the pokies :roll:
That way it is only 'temporarily' yours :(

made round to go round
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby prickle » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 9:59 am

frank_in_oz wrote: made round to go round

Yep and it's goin round me :roll:

I'd love to stimulate the economy thanks Kev 07

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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby sthughes » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 3:08 pm

Not sure I like the idea of stimulating Kevin so I'll just bang it in my loan :P

A giant helium baloon (and the gas) to float 99% of my pack weight so I could take everything I already have and want!
new boots
new pack
cooler/lighter sleeping bag
a Garmin Oregon gps
Waterproof socks (just sound cool)
Personal deflector shield (Starship Enterprise style) to stop rain, mozzies, leeches etc.
A mini-light saber - how much better than a pocket knife would that be! :D
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 3:23 pm

sthughes wrote:A mini-light saber - how much better than a pocket knife would that be! :D

yeah, scrap what I said before... I want one of these!
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby the_camera_poser » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 4:33 pm

Nuts wrote:That's just un-australian cp- the idea is to blow it on grog, smokes and the pokies :roll:
That way it is only 'temporarily' yours :(

I'll make sure I come around your place on March 11 LOL LOL

Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Tony » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 5:22 pm

I have just started spending mine, Prolite 3 short $140, new knife $17

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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby corvus » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 7:29 pm

Would it be OK to put down a Barrel of medicinal liquid It would only be a small one :lol:
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby ben.h » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 7:38 pm

Ah, wish lists!
Hmm... leaves me about $100... maybe some maps for my shiny new gps? :)
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby corvus » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 8:13 pm

Waterproof Socks ?
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby sthughes » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 8:30 pm

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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Son of a Beach » Fri 06 Feb, 2009 8:34 pm

Do seals sweat?
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby wobbly » Sat 07 Feb, 2009 2:03 pm

I'd start with a new thermometer, the one here is stuck on 46, that can't be right surely, oh and more leeeches, I always need more leeches.

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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby MrCAMEL » Sun 08 Feb, 2009 6:16 pm

As far as gear goes I would buy a good, complete cold weather suit. All the bits of it.

But, with the 2 apprentice wage top ups I get this year and this $950 that possibly might happen, Johnny and Kev have paid for my plane rides to and from Namibia (possibly Gabon and Kilimanjaro also) in early 2010 :D :D

I am actually really excited about this.
For 4 years I've been 'dreaming' about doing this, but it seems everything should come into place to do it 8)
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Whos_asking99 » Mon 09 Feb, 2009 3:26 pm

For me it would be:
Decent Boots
Decent Tent

Not sure if it would come under $950, but it would be nice.
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Darren » Mon 09 Feb, 2009 7:06 pm

I know it’s not really the following the theme but maybe we should send a little of it to our mates in vic
Just a thought
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby flyfisher » Mon 09 Feb, 2009 7:30 pm

For me it would be:
Decent Boots
Decent Tent

Not sure if it would come under $950, but it would be nice.

Yes mate, do that easy enough

I know it’s not really the following the theme but maybe we should send a little of it to our mates in vic
Just a thought

Good idea Darren,they are in a bad way poor %$#@&&*%'s

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Postby ben.h » Tue 10 Feb, 2009 8:15 pm

Here's something easy and practical that we can all do. Grocery shopping...

[converted from pdf]

Mods please move if not in the correct place :)

- Ben.
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Re: Bushfires

Postby Son of a Beach » Wed 11 Feb, 2009 8:00 am

ben.h wrote:Mods please move if not in the correct place :)

It's probably not the correct place, but as there is no other 'correct' place, it's as good as any. :-) (If some better place becomes obvious as time goes by, I'll move it then.)

It seems that there are a zillion different ways to donate money to help the people affected by "Australia's worst natural disaster on record". Most general charities are involved, as well as many businesses. Which is all good. They sure need all the help they can get.
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby prankphonecall » Thu 12 Feb, 2009 2:08 pm

If i was going to spend it on hiking stuff the first thing i'd buy was a sherpa. I'm sure you could get one for a few years for that sort of money. :D

Anything left over i'd probably buy some snow gear (ice axe, crampons etc. as i'm keen not to have to hire stuff for NZ).
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby olblackbilly » Sat 21 Feb, 2009 6:57 pm

Get myself a new girlfriend I guess, someone who can carry at least 35kg. without complaining too much...
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Steve » Sun 22 Feb, 2009 10:38 pm

$950 would just about pay for the new camera I wanna get. Either a Canon EOS 1000D or an EOS 40D. 8)
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby flyfisher » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 5:17 am

$950 would also put a new EPIRB in the pack. :D

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to drink more.
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 7:40 am

olblackbilly wrote:Get myself a new girlfriend I guess, someone who can carry at least 35kg. without complaining too much...

That ain't much of a dowry!
Son of a Beach
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby Swifty » Mon 23 Feb, 2009 10:45 am

I would like to buy back some of my mis-spent youth.
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Re: Getting your $950 from Kev, what gear would you buy?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sat 04 Apr, 2009 11:34 am

Hahaha swifty. You and the rest of us......

Im with Ben there I want a GPS Do not have one only ever seen one once.......

I need a new pack sick of taking my 90ltr cascades on overnight walks OVERKILL!!!! Especially packhauling up the NE ridge of Anne Was quite embarrassing having such a huge pack.....

Also after doing the southern ranges i need new waterproof pants my god the scorparia is THICK around PB........

soooo GPS $300-400
Pack $150-300
W/P Pants (Any point getting gortex?? they seem to get scratched up eventually anyway) therefore maybe $150

Pretty much all spent Put the rest towards petrol for my next trip :)
Nothing to see here.
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