Yes, a few times. The last time was in 2003 with the late Graeme Nelson of Eden; that's him on the left. We are on top of Sentinel Peak, as Elyne Mitchell called it.
Access across the ridge is reasonably straighforward except for the small gendarme before the low point. I have always negotiated this to the south but would assess it on the day.
I like to stick to the ridge.
this is a pic of spring slab avalanche, all the way to grass. I think it's from 2000, but it's not my shot. I have seen others that are similar (KCross?). Be sensible out there. To exit I have either booted up the ridge climbers' left of the avalanche in the pic, or up what I call James MacArthur Ridge, which is the ridge that seperated Carruthers from Sentinel Peak.
As for experiences I have had winderful dry light fluff in the gap all the way to the base. With Graeme fast and wonderful runs off the peak down the SW face runs, wide and open and hollering. I think it's my favourite NSW true peak, it's always the sign of a fun day when I find myself out on the trig on Sentinel Peak. It will always be a bit sentimental to me now after Graeme's passing.