clarence wrote:Someone one wrote:
With that said, I do not like the external pockets on the Summit Gear packs (Korowal) but I can see how they are actually practical
(How does this quoting thing work?)
Not real sure Clarence.
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clarence wrote:
I'm not a fan of ALL of the Summit Gear designs. HOWEVER, because of their flexibility of production and range, there will always be something they could modify or adapt to get it just right. The boys are pretty handy with a sewing machine and I would think that for a fee they'd be able to modify or make the pockets differently.
It is even possible to make a pack in between the sizes of their standard models, as I have had done. This customisation option is pretty unique in the outdoors industry. If it costs a bit more, it may work out at dollar a trip over the lifetime of the pack- I think that is very cheap to get precisely what you want.
If I could get something between 55 and 80L so about 67L it would be great. If the price was close to the 80L pack I would just get it though.
I just went to the local shop to compare. Would you say an 80L Summit would be about 10L bigger than the 80L strezlecki?
Looked at the shadow in 56 and wba in 55 (they were the sizes they had on display) and they would be getting very close to big enough for 95% of the time. So if the 55l summit bluegum was closer to 65L it would be about/almost spot on and $170 cheaper.
I have a query. The bluegum is "High Tenacity Core-Spun Canvas" where as the cockatoo and Korowal are "High tenacity Corespun Canvas with 1000 denier Cordura reinforcement" Which would be the toughest of the two? Is the bluegume reinforced as well and they just missed it or not? I will send them an email if no one knows.