Wilsons Prom - South - Tidal River to Roaring Meg

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Wilsons Prom - South - Tidal River to Roaring Meg

Postby 3flp » Sun 02 Dec, 2012 1:40 pm

Great hike, we lucked out with the weather. The track from Mt Oberon is still closed, so we went from Tidal River to Roaring Meg one day, then back tracked the next day.

Some useful info: There was plenty of water available along the way. The water in the river in Oberon Bay was drinkable, as we reached it during low tide. The water in the creek in Roaring Meg was pretty good as well. We used water purification kit at all times, just in case. So, no need to carry too much of your own water..

The camp site at Roaring Meg was in a pristine state, and a beautiful spot to stay.

Overall the walk, 2 x 15km, was great fun.

Picture 037.jpg

Picture 053b.jpg

Picture 083.jpg

Picture 100.jpg
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: Wilsons Prom - South - Tidal River to Roaring Meg

Postby JamesMc » Tue 18 Dec, 2012 4:07 pm

No need to treat water at Wilsons Prom.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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